Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Make a masterpiece from your life (Conclusion)

We live in the twenty-first century "golden age" of mankind. We entered an era when many people achieve much more than ever.

There are no limits to your achievements, except those restrictions that impose your own mind. Your background does not matter, the only important thing, where you go. And the ultimate goal is limited only by your imagination. As Shakespeare wrote: "The past - but a prologue to the present."

You are amazing, unique and special man. All you need to become what you want, you have, you need only a spark. You do not need to rely on others, because what is before you, and what lies behind - just a blade of grass compared to what lies within you. Look at yourself - and you'll find limitless potential of your first moments of life in this world, soar high, fast and free.

Success - not a question of luck, luck, chance or skill comer to be in the right place at the right time. Applying in practice just learned the principles, you will be able to move far ahead in life. You will have an incredible advantage over people who either do not know these techniques and strategies, or do not use them in their practice. With such an advantage, you throughout the rest of the life and career will necessarily belong to the number of winners.

If you consistently, regularly and consistently do those things which affect other successful people, there is nothing in the world can stop you much success. You - the architect of his destiny. There is no limit to what you can do that or who have become, except for those limitations that are present within you, and are generated by your thinking.
As you have laid much more talent and ability than you are still aware of or used. Inside you there is potential, it is allowing you to turn your life into something wonderful. If you do all this, the powers of heaven will certainly stand on your side. You will become irresistible, and your success will become inevitable.

Practice the above instructions and will certainly become rich, and wealth, which will be directly proportional to the certainty of their vision, their sustainability goals, the constancy of their faith and the depth of their gratitude.

There are no limits to what you can achieve in his life, except those you set yourself as their way of thinking.
Began to apply the laws of business success, as set out in this site, you find that your future has no boundaries. Make a masterpiece from your life!

Your friend
Russell & Pavel Verbnyak 

Be happy!

It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.

 Dale Carnegie

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Success comes as an unintended result of the dedication greater than yourself. Create yourself a life, what you will be happy to lead to the end of his days.

The concept of "happiness" embodies what they're looking all. Happiness - is the joy that is usually associated with positive activities.

Happiness is also a method of thinking, which defines the feelings, actions and lifestyle. In other words - a way to interpret the world and the events occurring in it.
Spend more time with their children. Be part of the childhood of their children now. Those 10-15 years quickly pass. The best gift for children is your love.

The purpose of your life - to live with purpose. In difficult times you will show the way objective. Your happiness in ongoing efforts to achieve goals and move forward.

Live a simple quiet life. Stop living in a mad rhythm. Hurried hectic pace of life is not incorporated into the plans of nature.

The sages say that each reaching the eye of a bull boom is the result of hundreds of arrows flying past. Do you have your way. Each person has his own way. Way do not intersect. Do
what you're afraid. Leaving the comfort zone. Doing what you love, not without courage.

Thriving inherent nature of human existence from birth and is a natural condition of his life.
Believe in existence designed to have good, before it will appear in front of you.

Slow the pace of your life. In this complex world we live in a crazy speed. Concentrate on what is really important, and begin to take steps to slow your pace and give you back the natural tranquility. Sit in the grass and see the blue sky for half an hour. First, it is not as easy as it seems, and people struggled to get a few minutes of such useful relaxation. Once you accustom to a healthier pace of life, with regular periods of time spent by a simple joys of life, every other activity will become more efficient and enjoyable.

Today, if you do not laugh, then you have not lived today. Laugh a lot and loudly. As William James said, "We laugh not because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh."

Often traveling. Vista, which makes visiting new places, is very important and allows us to appreciate what we usually take for granted.

Live right. All outstanding in this world has always stemmed from the correct way of life. Strive to internal equilibrium. External success without the internal equilibrium is defeat.
    Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Destiny is not a matter of chance; but a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, It is a thing to be acheived.
William Jennings Bryan

Health, love, happiness and money are infinite.

Do occasionally something nice for yourself, let it be at least a bouquet of fresh flowers, but intended only to you.

Work for balance in your life goals: family, financial, professional, social, spiritual, recreational.

You can always choose your path. Select only your way, and let your choice will be successful. Relive your life just because someone else's life - a life that you do not belong. And what can you do with the fact that you do not belong?

Age - this is not the sunset of life, and the dawn of wisdom.
The most productive years of life may occur in age from 65 to 95 years.
Greet their years. They force you to rise higher on the endless road of life.
Old age can be defined as a vocation to contemplate the divine truth from the high positions. The joy of old age more than the joy of youth. Also thinking, as well as spiritual, characterized by competition and the spirit of victory. Nature makes all physically retreat to the spirit. The soul has the freedom to enter into discussions with the divine.
We have so far not believe the years of man, until his life is still more that can be considered. Faith and belief are not subject to destruction.

You have so many years, how much do you feel and how you feel. As you have so much energy, how much do you estimate. You bring so much benefit as you feel its worth. You are as young as your way of thinking.

Fear of the onset of old age can lead to physical and mental destruction. "What I feared, then came to me."
You old, as soon cease to dream and lose interest in life. You get older, once it becomes irritable, eccentric, cantankerous and bullying. Fill your mind with the truths of God and siyayte in the rays of his love - this is the real youth.

Pay your eyes always forward, always in the future, because life is infinite.

Retirement - is the beginning of a new exciting segment of life. Refer to new areas of science, expand your horizon. Now you have the opportunity to do something that you wanted when your professional activities did not leave for that time. Send all your attention on to live more fully and to exhaust all possibilities, which gives you life.

Be not a prisoner, and the creator of the society. Let sparkle your talents and abilities.

The mystery of youth - this is love, joy, inner peace and joyful laughter. "In the fullness of her joy in it there is no darkness."
You need. Many philosophers, poets, artists, scientists and other prominent people have achieved their highest achievements already after the age of 80 years.
The fruits of old age are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, forbearance and moderation.

By itself, the life nor bad nor good. Good or bad it makes our perception. Life is what it is. It is necessary to take life, enjoy life, appreciate life. Trust in life, trust the power of your mind and the dictates of the heart. "Everything is as it should, even if in a different way.

A successful life is a satisfying life. It is one where you are healthy, happy and fulfilled in your existence. Most people would like to lead such a life, but many think it is not easy to do. In fact, it is not that difficult. Much of what happens to you in your life is a result of your philosophy or way of thinking and the principles you follow, as well as your attitude toward things.

Man looking for harmony in everything: in itself, in the world. Achieve harmony with the world can only being in harmony with itself. Good attitude towards him, the adoption itself - a pledge of harmony with the world, people and his own soul. Harmony does not mean the absence of difficulties and conflicts that may be a stimulus for personal growth.

One of the most essential aspect of success is the ability to live in the present. We should not be in a constant quest for the beautiful future, when today we can meet as many of perfection and beauty. Recognition that the present moment - is the key to a successful life, above all else.

The soul is happy when she gives herself without an excess of something to make this world a better place. And what is the point in all those riches, which brought together a man when he withdraws from life, because we are not durable. The soul comes to create value, to realize themselves, and then returned "home." If it does not create this value, and is engaged in something else, she feels bad. She feels she has come into this world and does what he wants. And the reason that our minds - he is blinded by "success" in the general understanding of the word.

Never put away for later life. This is one of the most tragic acts, which can be done. Stop behaving as if in front of eternity. Conduct yourself as if this is the last day of your life. How would you behave with your family, with friends, with strangers? Concentrate on the essentials. Do not spray. Imagine that you have to live 1000 days, what would you do? What do you want done? What you have to leave the world after the leave? Will you do the world a better or worse? Tend to his spiritual development and self-improvement of body and soul now. Do not deceive yourself, what are you going to do it when the money to a bag of money.

More laugh. Laughter medicine for the soul. 4-year-old child in average laughs 300 times a day. The man laughs an average of 15 times. We make fun of the fact that we are happy. But you can be happy and the fact that we laugh.

Analyze your day and your actions. The only way to make tomorrow better is to understand what you did wrong today.

Your soul is a part of the soul of the universe. When you improve yourself, you improve the lives of all the people around you. When you improve yourself, the universe gives you strength.

Goal to become happier and stronger, and this requires every unpleasant event turned into a lesson.

Control over their attitude to what is happening. Treat each event as a lesson. Learn to turn every event into a positive and then you get rid of disturbances. Each event is positive only need to see it. No one can control the weather, the mood of other people. But you are 100% you can control what you'll think.

Find your vocation, it gives you a taste of life. You receive the unbridled energy. Disharmonious, chaotic existence will lead you to a complete collapse. Be undermined your inner essence. All happy found his calling and gave himself entirely to this. Calling is always associated with the service of others. Find your calling, then your world come alive. Do you have their own mission. Do you have enough skills and talents to fulfill its mission.

The essence of happiness consists in the fact that you are doing what brings you pleasure. The secret of happiness - do what you like.

Happiness - a state of mind. That feeling. This emotion. There is even a part of the brain, which creates happiness. When we are happy, this is part of the brain lights up.

Temporary happiness appears when we're doing well. When the external world is perfect, we have a good mood. But when the external world affairs not ladyatsya, we far from happy.

 Choose to be happy.

      Happiness - is the choice. You can choose to be happy. Choose to be happy every day, regardless of anything.

      Your happiness depends on how you perceive reality. No bad or good events. Events just is. Only then, as you will perceive, makes the events of negative or positive.

Be grateful for things that you already have. Be thankful every day. Thank you for your life, give thanks for another day. For what and when we give thanks? For all and always

Smile and negative thinking can not coexist. Or, you smile and think positively, or you do not smile and think negatively. Try doing this experiment: smile its maximum smile and try to think anything bad. You will not succeed! Or the smile disappear, or negative thought will have a positive tone

Make someone good

Just do something good for another person. This will help you feel better.

Be happy, choose to be happy, and live consciously!

Although the source of happiness is in your heart, mind still plays a big role in this. The mind creates a comfortable environment for the soul in this world. The mind has the power that controls the actions of man.

The unity of soul and mind is very important.

There are seven principles of conduct that will bring you to success.
First rule. Your life becomes better only when you yourself feel better. If you want to have a better wife, be a better husband. If you want to have the best children, the ability to show a better parent if you want to have the best staff, become a better boss. In short, if you want to change your life in any aspect, then start with yourself. Your life will be better only if and only if you yourself feel better.

Second rule. No matter where you started. It is important where you are going. The past has passed, and irrevocably. Perhaps, on your "personal account" accumulated many stupid things, you have lost a lot of time and money. All this should be taken into account only if you learned something on these errors. And it does not matter where you started the movement. It is important where you go, and the choice of target depends solely on you.

The third rule. In any situation, you have meaning to respond to new challenges. This approach pays off. Of course, the start is always difficult. But did you know, so that people develop? It depends on how they are open to new challenges and ready to make a deliberate and calculated risk. Successful people know how to develop themselves and to develop others, they are becoming better and better, fully prepared for the tests, failures and learning.

The fourth rule. You are able to learn everything you need to achieve your goals. You can be the best executives, managers, engineers, technicians, parent, spouse, or a cook. You are able to learn foreign languages and to learn any other skills. Simply learn everything that will bring you to the desired goal.

The fifth rule. You set your own boundaries of their own freedom. Knowing all the options you are taking certain decisions and are open to alternative approaches. And therefore it is important that you cultivate the ability to change the view and make choices among many possible options. You are free only if you have the possibility to choose. In the absence of alternatives, you are deprived of freedom. Then your actions will be entirely due to the external situation.

The sixth rule. All the difficulties are in themselves equal to the size of the potential solutions of complications. From any situation you can find a way out. A solution of the most serious problems gives you invaluable experience and knowledge that will help you succeed in the future. All wealthy and successful people have seen for myself that the problem - is a valuable experience. If you encounter problems, then treats them as an important lesson, leading to a better future.

Seventh rule. You set your own original scope of who you are or what you are doing. This rule - the most important of all. The moment when you realize it, you will be available to achieve that transcends all that you sought earlier in his life. Identifying themselves with individuality leader, you will attach themselves more confident, will find respect and pride. You can be all that now lies within you.

Be financially literate!

The number one problem in today's generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy.

Alan Greenspan

One of your main goals in life, probably, is financial independence. You should aim for the achievement of that moment in life, when you have enough money to never worry about them. Today, financial independence is easier to achieve than it has ever been. The law of cause and effect applies to money. This law says that financial success is a consequence of the well-defined, specific reasons. Having found these reasons and put them in their lives and activities, you will achieve the same successes that have made hundreds of thousands and even millions of other people. You can climb to any level of prosperity, if you just do what others did in the quest for the same results. Perhaps no other area where universal laws would have been so obvious as in the acquisition and preservation of money. Your most hardened convictions for money first and foremost determine how much money you have collected for their working lives.

The money needed to buy houses, cars, clothing, toys, food and so on and so forth. Money have their own energy and are attracted to people who are well-treated. Money tends to aspire to those people who are most productive uses them to produce goods and services, and is able to invest in creating new jobs and opportunities for other people. At the same time, the money goes to those who use them incorrectly or spend unproductive ways.

Money gives you choices and let live the life you want. Money before you open the door, locked up in their absence. But the obsession with them, as, indeed, something else may be harmful. If a man so consumed with money, that forgets the simple truth that money - only a tool to achieve happiness, they bring him only harm. The Bible says: "The love of money - the root of all evil." It does not say that money - the root of evil. It says that the love of money - the root of all evil. The problem is it's obsession with money at the expense of really important things, and not money itself. Money - the foundation of life in society. And they are neutral. They are neither good nor bad. Their benefit or harm are determined only by way of their acquisition and use.

In our world, an abundance of money. These are sufficient to anyone who they really want and who are willing to obey laws that govern their acquisition. Find that you have a lot of money. You can have almost everything you really want and what you really need. We live in a lavish world and are surrounded by opportunities to acquire all we truly desire. Your attitude to money, "setting the abundance of''or" installation on poverty ", has a tremendous impact on the way, you will become rich or not.

People get rich because they decide to become rich. Because they truly believe in their ability to become rich, and they act accordingly. They always take the necessary actions that turn their dreams into reality. And always be on the man's actions determine his views and beliefs.

The money - a consequence, not a cause. Your work and contribution to the value of the product or service is the cause, but the money you get for it - the result. If you want to increase a consequence, you should increase the cause.

To increase the amount of money you receive, you should increase the value of work, which you invest. To earn more money, you need to develop their knowledge or skills, or improve their employment habits or work harder and for longer, or work more creatively, or do something that allows you to achieve greater efficiency of your efforts and get better results . Sometimes you have to do it all at once. The most highly paid people in our society are those who are constantly improving in one or more of these aspects, increasing the value of the work they do.

Financial security is one of the factors of success, which often takes much too high value. Regardless of how much money you make, success can not be determined by the number of U.S. dollars, in the end, what value have the money, if you do not have anyone to share them?

Prepare a detailed financial plan for several years, and follow him. If necessary, consult with an expert in finance. Proper financial strategy is very simple: put off 10% of your earnings (remove this amount from your paycheck before you spend it). If you defer $ 200 per month for 30 years at 15% per annum, you will have 1.4 million dollars. Reliable financial situation leads to personal freedom.

The growth of your material well-being will match your personal growth.

Not consulted on the financial issues with ruined people.

If you are found consistently for unpaid debts, take a rule to pay in advance.

You get on the fate of his subsequent appointment as your personal qualities will rise to a higher level and begin to conform more important tasks.

"Do more of what you paid, and soon you will pay more than what you deserve. This will take care of the law of increasing returns "

"Not in money happiness? But this money helps to find happiness, longevity, pleasure and peace of mind. "

Tactics multiplying savings simple: to learn how to save money and intelligently distribute it. The rich can become one, if it is saving part of wages. At the very least - 10 percent. The money is invested in investment should give you a year at least 12 percent. Keep this scheme, and you are sure to become financially prosperous.

    Money intended to ensure that they multiply, rather than spend.

The main function of money - to become greater. Money must work, and work for you and bring you benefit. If you'll just spend all the money from you, you will never be able to become financially independent. In this case, the money will manage you. Think about it: every time you raise wages, you just grow up inquiries, but money was always scarce. Live on one salary is not possible, no matter how much you earn. You will always want to buy a better car, apartment, villa, dress better, go to the more prestigious restaurants. In this case, you start to do more work, less time to spend with family, pay less attention to their hobbies. You all work harder, earn more, many more want to purchase and receive ... and again looking for new ways of earning. A vicious circle, is not it?

To become financially independent, to be deferred portion of their income. Every time you get the money, ask the question: "what percentage of that amount, I put it off?". Be sure to put off as much as you choose.

How many put off - depends on you. But it is recommended to delay at least 10% of their income, no matter how much you earn. Some of the most patient and goal-oriented individuals save up to 50% of their income.
Second step. Do not waste that postponed

Do not waste the money that you put off. Not under any pretext or under any circumstances. Remember that the idea to take from himself ( "I'll take today, but will return in a week") does not work. You will never recover the money, in this case again, the money will manage you.

Invest the money that you put off. Investing can be in:
    * Shares
    * Business
    * Deposit in the bank with compound interest
    * Other investors - intermediaries
    * Funds
    * Etc.

Remember that money should not be based simply this: they will eat, inflation, crises and other "amenities of life."

Before you invest money, do a thorough analysis. This is one of the most important financial laws. On examination of where to invest a certain amount of money you should spend no less time than you needed to have to earn that amount. Do not hurry to part with their money. You are too much work invested in it to earn them, and too much time spent on it to accumulate them. Examine the weight aspects of investment, before making any decision. Demand that you fully explain all the details. Try to get an accurate and complete information in respect of any investment.

Rules of investment:
Before making a decision in favor of some form of investment, must be clearly indicated what purpose it will help you to achieve. Investments can be for you an ideal way of forming a personal pension plan, the accumulation of funds to pay for the education of children or, for example, payment for the purchase of a good country house.

Remember: only invest in money market instruments put your investment into complete dependence on his behavior. To secure a conviction in the financial world, it is necessary to diversify the objects of your investments, optimally combining them in a diversified investment portfolio.

Nobody do not know for certain how the stock market will behave tomorrow. Therefore, expecting a better time for your investments, you risk losing active growth. Investing funds for a long time and creating savings through regular contributions, you will be able to cope with fluctuations in the stock market.

To the process of investment held for you as comfortable as possible, you must have an objective vision of the future of your investments in those or other assets. To help you in this will be professional financial advisers.

Remember that past successes can not guarantee you a consistently excellent results in the future. Increases in the stock market is not monotonous. Do not chase the best result today - it can not be established tomorrow. Stability of results over several years - that is the true criterion of professional portfolio manager.

Choosing Fund, it is important to understand what risks he is and what the expectations are based profitability. Making decisions without taking into account all the risks you may incur unexpected losses. Risk - it is also possible. Unreasonably overestimation of risk, based on emotional reasoning or prejudice, can not let you make the right decisions and achieve their goals.

First you need to define for themselves what you expect from the investment process, as well as the level of risk you are willing to assume in order to achieve this goal. Remember that any instrument with non-fixed income fluctuations inherent in varying degrees. It is important to determine the most suitable for your level of risk.

Choosing a strategy should be in accordance with the purposes of investment and to adhere to this strategy to implement them. Change strategy is only in the event that changed the purpose of investment. Moving from one strategy to another in an attempt to improve investment results, you will either take on excessive risks, or miss the moment of active growth.

For the most effective management of saving the entire amount should be distributed among assets with different risk levels. After all, money that "does not work", not only can not bring you profit, but inevitably exposed to inflation. Replace the money for a rainy day "investment in liquid assets.

Must be remembered that the unit trust - a tool much more convenient to manage than, for example, a bank deposit. It does not require you to fix the timing of investment and therefore you can concentrate fully on the implementation of your specific goals. Remember that investments in mutual funds liquid, and you can always fully or partially convert investments into money in your account.

Investment process, like any business, requires a professional approach and an appropriate level of training. Professional financial advisers will help you make the right decisions based on knowledge and experience in the stock market. With the help of professionals you can create a personal investment portfolio of a large number of tools available on the market and left to reach your goals.
Carefully investing money and allowing them to grow at a rate of compound interest, you will eventually become rich. Compound interest - one of the great miracles in the whole of human history and economics. Albert Einstein called it the most powerful force in our society. When you allow money to accumulate with compound interest rate for a long time, their number increases to a greater extent than you can imagine. To determine how long your money will double the number, you can use the so-called "rule 72". Simply divide the number 72 on the interest rate. For example, if you invested money under eight per cent per annum, section 72 on eight, you get the number nine. This means that you need nine years to double its contribution at an annual rate of eight percent.

The meaning of compound interest is that, to put the money and never to them not to touch. Starting to save money and bring them to growth, never, never touch them and do not spend them under any circumstances. If you do this, the law of compound interest would lose its force: to spend a small amount today, you are depriving yourself a huge amount later.

 To begin the process of accumulation, you must exercise discipline and perseverance. You must maintain devotion to a long period of time. Every great financial achievement is the result of hundreds of small efforts and sacrifices that nobody sees or appreciates. Achieving financial independence requires a huge number of efforts on your part. Initially, you will not see much change, but gradually your efforts begin to bear fruit. You will begin to stand out among your peers. Your financial situation will be continuously improved, the debts disappear. Your bank account will grow, and improve your whole life.

The more money you put and accumulate, the more of them you attract. Law of attraction has been described by more than five thousand years ago. He explains a significant share of success and failure in all areas of life and especially in financial matters. The money goes to someone who loves them and respects. The more positive emotions to cause you any money, the more you will have the opportunity to get them in even greater numbers. In the parable of the talents - the word also means the currency name in those days - Jesus said: "To everyone who has will be given and multiply, while not having taken away what he has." The modern version of this parable is as follows: "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

Your financial future is not determined by how much you earn and how much you have left and how much you save.