Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Take care of your health

To get rich never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth.

Richard Baker

Remember the wise saying: "In a healthy body, healthy mind"? Never forget about your body, which is closely linked with the mind. This is your temple. Let him the best fuel, practice every day and worry about it as you would take care of your greatest value - because your body is so valuable.

A truly healthy you feel only when you are at peace with itself.

To be at the peak of mental activity, your body should be relaxed physically. Now, no one disputes the link between mind and body, and when the body is free from tension, the mind is also calm and focused. That is why yoga is so useful. It supports the relaxation of the body, which helps the mind relax. Basic stretches 15 minutes a day - a great way to release tension, which accumulates due to our accelerated pace of life. Try a massage or a Jacuzzi. To relax the body - and your mind relax.

Be very strong, that nothing disturbed the tranquility of your mind. Limit your desires and be purposeful. Constant practice facilitates this process. You can not afford the luxury of even one negative thought.

Start lifting weights at the gym. Strong people are usually strong spiritually. Not necessarily lose the physical and spiritual strength with age. People in 75 years, participating in marathons, 80-year-old woman involved in mountaineering, and 90-year-old grandparents are living rich, productive lives. No matter how much you may be years: 19 or 93, stay in shape and passionate attitude towards life.

Every day in sports. At week 168 hours, seven of them devote sport. Dispersal blood, make the body move.

Physical exercise can replace many medications, but no medicine in the world can not replace exercise.

Regular exercise:

improve circulation
strengthen the lungs and heart,
help overcome many physical and mental disorders, but also important for true health. Concerned with the exercises, which bring you joy, and:
make you sweat,
makes the heart beat faster,
require that the lungs work harder.

Do 100 sit-ups a day and never breaks this habit. Strong abdominal muscles strengthen and promote the health of a life without trauma. They also improve your appearance and your confidence level.

The root cause of all diseases lies in the negative emotions: fear, anger, jealousy, anxiety, frustration, regret and concern generated by the unsuccessful attempts of many men and women achieve happiness and meet the requirements of modern life.

Nature is the source of positive emotions. Learn to see its beauty and harmony: the same golden rays of the sun at dawn, the color performance with an astonishing range of colors at sunset, calming green of the trees, whimsical fantasy of Snow "architecture" and much else that is around us and what we usually do not notice .

Spend time in nature. The natural landscape has a strong influence on your feelings, which, in turn, leads to renewal and tranquility. People operating at the peak of its activity, has always understood the importance of returning to nature. Begin travel on picnics or just walks in the woods. Rest in quiet babbling brook.

Fresh air and sunshine - that's the cornerstone of a healthy environment.
If you can not make their work on nature, bring nature to work.
Take care of your immediate environment and the global environment

Build an excellent habit of daily swim. This will strengthen your health will allow you to relax and concentrate and be in good shape. Swimming is not burdensome for the body, it gives a good practice easy and takes little time. Remember that a healthy body attains a healthy mind.

Mute your appetite with plenty of water - ideally 10 glasses a day. Water gives life to all systems of the body and purifies it. The habit is soups and more complex carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes and pasta, which quench your hunger far fewer calories than other less healthy food. You - what you eat, and must take care that your diet has increased the energy and mental clarity.

Try to have only fruits and milk during the day. Fasting - a very powerful and successful strategy of the East, which is regularly used by millions of people to preserve the best of health and mental clarity. Using this method every few weeks, you will find that your energy level has increased, and his gait was easy. Big meals require a significant amount of energy that is better geared towards achieving a more productive purposes.

True health can not exist without good nutrition: you depend on what you eat and how you eat.

Proper nutrition, like building houses. Always choose a coherent, unrefined, natural foods.

Good nutrition is impossible without proper digestion. Therefore, chew, eating only at rest and do not eat in between meals.

Less than more! Do not overeat.

Seventy percent of the products should be mainly composed of water.
Avoid destroyers cells - sugar, meat, fish, dairy products, salt, tea, coffee and alcohol.

Explore the healing properties of the Chinese botanical medicine and similar Eastern techniques to maintain excellent health (always consult with a specialist and go through the training, how to use this very useful branch of treatment).

Laugh more!

Laughter improves concentration and relieves mental stress

Laughter - potent drug that helps relieve pain and heal from many diseases.
Laughter enhances respiration, is an excellent exercise for the lungs and heart massage produces abdominal organs and promotes the work of the intestine.
Laughter stimulates the immune system.

Relax by listening to classical music, reading a good book!


rejuvenates the body, mind and spirit,
important for physical and mental health,
reduces by fifty percent of our body need oxygen,
reduces cardiac workload by thirty percent,
lowers high blood pressure, improves short and long term memory.

Make regular short breaks during the workday.
Use the formula in order to stop worrying.
Devote one day a week of complete rest.

Proper posture is essential for health.
Poor posture prevents the free circulation of blood, compresses the nerve path and leads to disease.
Our posture affects our mood and emotions as well as on the physical condition.

Your health (as well as the health of your family) is the most important element of success. If the money can not buy happiness, they can not buy, and excellent health. If you are perfectly healthy and live long - this is your great success.

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