Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Develop Habits of Success

Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.

 Shaquille ONeal

Habits - are certain behaviors in different situations. They are formed for the reason that consciousness is not able to control all human actions. If one and the same action is repeated every day, it is absorbed and transferred to the management of the subconscious. Thus consciousness frees itself from the need to control this operation.

Throughout your life you have built up many habits, good and bad. So, the most important secret habits that your habits control your life by 95%. This means that it is your subconscious mind controls 95% of your actions, and consciousness - just 5%.

Habits - a component of our life and work. There are bad habits - those that destroy and debilitate you. And there is a useful habit - makes you stronger and supporting positive action and achievement.

Form new habit.

1.Opredelite where you want to get.

2.Opredelite how you become a man, when find yourself in this place.

3.Podumayte over the habits of this man.

4.Den after day to develop these habits in yourself.

Although consciousness and controls only 5% of action, this is enough to change your life radically. Once you have determined your destination, you should understand what actions you must take to change lives.

To form a new habit needs 21 days. Demolishing the old habit is not possible, it can only be replaced by new. Begins to form a new habit gradually, so as not to experience severe discomfort. After 21 days, you'll have to work on a new habit, but it is important not to succumb and not give slack.

1) Choose 3 new habits, write them on paper.

2) Within 21 days create only these 3 habits. No more.

3) After 21 days of the decision to create a new habit, if you're within 21 days of operation performed and never gave the slack, we can tackle the formation of new habits. You will not believe how easy it is to change your life.

It is fair to say that "You have sown the action, and reaped the habit. You have planted a habit, and reaped in nature. You have sown the nature and reaped destiny.

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