Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be Thankful

Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.

 Sarah Caldwell

Make it a practice to thank for everything good that happens in your life. It's very simple. You say: "I thank (God, God, peace, the Guardian Angel, the Universe) for so-and-so". But there is one important condition, without which this procedure is meaningless. YOU MUST FEEL

GRATITUDE. Thanks very close to absolute love. Love - the most powerful positive feeling. When you give thanks, you send into the Universe very powerful stream of positive and creative energy.

You reap what you sow. Give positive energy into the universe and get it back, but in another form.

1.You radiate into space very powerful flow of positive energy.
2.Vmesto to complain, when there is a reason, think of something good, for what can be grateful and thankful.
Pay attention to paragraph 2. Habit thanks to suppress negative emotions.

Thanks to the most efficient use

    * When there is a good event. Be thankful for that.
    * When there is a bad event. Thanks for the good things in your life.
    * Before going to sleep: for all the good things that happened to you during the day.

Thanks - a very powerful emotion, use it to attract to your life your goals and dreams.

The phased development of habits:

1.Nauchites thanks for all the good things that will happen in your life from now on.

2.Nauchites thanks for all the good that you already have.

3.Blagodarite for something not yet have, but will soon get a (small and short-term goals).
4.Blagodarite for something not yet have, but get a (large and long-term goals).

Keep a notebook for gratitude.

Thanks - this is a common affirmation, which is presented in another form. Gratitude changes the flow of your energy. Changes your focus. Before that, you probably focused on what you do not have or your problems. I do not have this, I do not have that. With gratitude, you begin to concentrate on what is good that you already have, and it creates a flow of positive emotions, which attracts more positive things in your life. Thanks - this is the best way to bring more of the same in your life. Once you start to feel differently in relation to what already have, you start to attract more good, all of what you can thank. Thanks to a very good tool design affirmations. You can give thanks for what you have and for what is not, but would like. Thanks in itself creates a much stronger flow of positive emotions than the usual affirmation. Do not hesitate to give thanks for what has not in reality. Remember that you are forming your reality, first in the head, and only then it is transformed into a physical equivalent, but not vice versa. If you change the flow of energy, then your reality will begin to change automatically.

And so where do I start?

1. Write a list for which you are grateful right now. This can be a loving wife, children, car, house, in which you live, work being done. Short, write whatever comes into your head.

2. And every day come back to this list, reading it and feeling grateful.

3. Try to develop a habit to thank for everything good that happens in your life. Every night before bedtime remember what good happened today and thank the universe for it. She will bring a lot of the same, if you will be grateful to her for that you get now.

Being positive, you will attract to itself all the more positive things, positive people, and life begins to change.

This condition requires lengthy training. Thanks - a very powerful tool, use it. Give thanks for every detail, for every victory, for each new goal achieved. At the end of the day must sit down and thank you for all the good things that happened that day.

Create a habit: every night before bed sit for 10 minutes and think about what you did well today and what you reached today. Sincerely thank the universe for it.

Every morning, as soon woke up, remember their achievements. Thank the universe for them. Recall that, maybe six months ago it was your goal, and now it is your reality.
Maintain attitude of gratitude, knowing that your dream will soon become a reality. Refuse to grumble, when circumstances look contrary. Refuse to complain. We should be grateful for where you are now and where you are headed. Look around for things to be thankful for. You'll be surprised to find quite a lot.

    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity .... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

The feeling of gratitude brings grace

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