Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Continuing LEARNING

No one knows everything, but everyone can learn something.
Sean Gregory Derrick

EVERY DAY is getting better

During the day all of us to attend the inspiration and great ideas. Put in your wallet, a set of small cards and a pen to write these ideas. When you come home, put the cards in a conspicuous place, and watch them from time to time. As noted by Oliver Wendell Holmes: "The human mind, which increased to a new idea never returns to its former dimensions."

Your spiritual path - the development and growth. Never stops, it leads you to higher consciousness, to the highest good.

Select one o'clock in the morning for self-improvement. Meditate, imagine your day, read inspirational texts, which will set the tone for your day, listen to motivational recordings or read great books. Use this quiet time to fill your spirit of strength and energy waiting for you busy day. Once a week, watch the sunrise or go on nature. Good start to the day - this is a very effective way of self-renewal.

Learn to read quickly. Reading - is a powerful way to accumulate many years of experience in just a few hours of study. For example, most biographies reflect the strategy and philosophy of the great leaders or prominent personalities. Read them and take a sample. Fast reading enables you to absorb a large amount of material in a relatively short time.

Take Sunday night for themselves and obey the habit. Use this time to plan a new week, waiting to provide you meet and what you want to achieve in these meetings, read new materials and books, listen to gentle soothing music and just relax. This habit will serve you an anchor, which will help you to be concentrated, motivated and effective throughout the next week.

Keep a diary to monitor their advancement and to express their thoughts. Record not only your achievements, but also the problems - one of the most effective methods to help break the habit of worry for small occasions, to accustom themselves to stay in optimum condition and to develop accurate thought.

Take care of yourself. Every day do something that contributes to the enhancement of your mind. body and spirit. It is necessary acts of love and respect for yourself.

Continuing work with audio tapes. Now in this format, you can find many programs and books on self-improvement. Listen to these materials on their way to work in the queue at the bank or when you wash the dishes in the evening. Turn your car into college on wheels and use the time on the road to deepen your knowledge. You can learn how to make productive use at any time. Use these opportunities to learn and continually expand the horizons of your mind and its huge potential.

Master the art of public speaking. There are very few natural speakers. One well-known lawyer stammered dreadfully but through courage and strength of conviction he became a wonderful speaker. Take as an example the speaker, which you think highly effective and influential. Imagine this man. Stop it, smiling as he talks like he. The results will surprise you.

Looking for motivational speakers, dealing with character education and long-term success. Set a goal to attend motivational lectures each month to keep in mind the importance of personal growth. At the 2-hour seminar you will learn to techniques to study and improve other people who needed many years. You should not feel that you have no time to collect new ideas, because you're doing it for themselves.

Make a list of all your weaknesses. A truly confident and enlightened person knows their weaknesses and methodically sought to correct them. Remember that even the greatest and most powerful people have weaknesses. Some just can not hide them. On the other hand, to learn their best qualities and cultivate them.

Readers are always leaders. Look for the knowledge and information. The more you know, the less you fear.

Develop the wonderful habit of reading something positive and inspiring evening before bedtime and in the morning when you wake up. You will soon see the benefit from this, because these thoughts will support you throughout the day.

Chinese proverb says: "One conversation with an intelligent man is a monthly study of books." Look for the wise and learn from them. They are simply waiting for the smallest glimmer of interest from your side to share with you all they know.

Knowledge - force. People who have achieved great success, not necessarily have great skill or smarter than others. They are separated from other determination and thirst for knowledge. The more a person knows, the more he seeks. The Great leaders have techniques that enable them to climb to the top of the mountain. Read biographies of world leaders and learn from their habits, actions and philosophy. Cultivate the habit of an important active role-modeling.

All the answers to any questions can be found in books. How to hone their public speaking skills, how to improve relationships with other people, how to become healthier, or how to improve your memory - all aspects of personal development is written in the books. Therefore, to achieve the highest capacity, read every day. But in this age of information, be ruthless to ensure that you absorb. Focus on your goals and read only those materials that are useful to you. Do not try to read everything. Choose what is important, and screening out what has no value. Start the morning with a serious newspaper, to get a good overview of the major events of the day. Make sure that your reading was varied. For example, you want to read materials on the history, business, Eastern philosophy, health, etc. Make it a habit to regularly visit the library. Read the classics from Hemingway to Bram Stoker. Read the history books to learn life, read books on biology, to be aware of new discoveries. Look in the library of books in the "success" and you will find a huge amount of material: the inspirational stories of people who have achieved greatness in the face of adversity, strategies for improving their physical, mental and spiritual condition; books that help to open itself to an unlimited desire to succeed. Absorbs these books. Pamper yourself and read them every day on the bus or at home before bedtime. Let them inspire and motivate you.

Aristotle said: "Excellence is an art - which is achieved by training and work out habits. We are operating correctly, not because we have the virtue of perfection. On the contrary, we have the perfect, because we are acting correctly. We are what we are doing systematically. Perfection - not an act but a habit "

Write today seven of the best qualities of people you admire, and put this list next to the bed. Every morning when you get up, focus on one of the qualities that you seek to realize during the day. After a week you'll notice a small change. A month later, these features will have to be strengthened. After two months they had already become an integral part of your.

Visit commission bookstores every few months, to find some books about the nature of education, issued in past years. You will find these gems on the topic of public speaking, improving habits, time management, health and other important topics, and at very low prices. Some of these old books are very good and were written when every young man was obliged to make a regular education self-discipline and proper living habits.

Take 30 minutes each morning to sit quietly and to reflect on your goals. You'll find when you read the biographies and autobiographies of successful men and women that almost everyone of them began their upward trajectory to success when they begin getting up early in the morning and spending time with themselves.

Without wishing to know everything to be around ignorant (Democritus)

Learn knowledge and skill are the keys to financial freedom

* The more you learn, the more you earn.
* The more you learn about your field, the more opportunities you will have to use your increasing
* If you're not getting better, you're getting worse.

 * Read, listen to audio programs, and attend courses and seminars.
* Take every opportunity to increase knowledge and skill.
* The more you work on becoming better at the key skills you need to achieve your goals, the more confident and competent you feel.
* Success is not an accident.
* Luck is just a word that people use to explain the good things that continually happen to people who are excellent at what they do.

 Seventh, and perhaps most important of all, you know that you become what you think about most of the time. You, therefore, discipline yourself to think continually about the things that you want, and keep your mind off of the things you don't want.

Stop watching TV because they want to always have something to impose and sell. 99% of what is not necessary. Do not read newspapers.

Continuing LEARNING. Learn to govern themselves. Man can not raise children, if he did not learn to educate themselves. Can not manage a corporation without learning to govern themselves.

Do not try to be above the other. The truth is that to surpass himself. Change himself, rather than changing others. Changing you, others will change themselves. Do not strive to be like the others. Do not strive to rise above the other, instead, try to rise above themselves.

You should always be time to read inspirational books. Those who say that they have no time to go in for sports or reading inspirational books is like they say that they have no time to fill in the empty petrol tank. Remember to read, at least one hour per day. Be selective, reading should nurture positives, charge and make you better. Rereading favorite books over and over again. Any answer to any problem imprinted on paper, all errors have been made. Books should be closer to your goals.

Learn to concentrate. This is the basis of perfect consciousness. Find out what you love to do, and give all their energies to this task. Concentrate on the dedication of more substantial than yourself. You'll wake up filled with energy and enthusiasm, and appear a deep sense of inner harmony.

Daily coach your brain. He looks like any other muscle. If he is not coaching, he will start to think negative categories. The quality of your life will depend on the quality of your thoughts. Your thoughts will shape your world. Your brain is the most powerful filter. If you focus on the main objectives, your brain will filter out all the unimportant and will concentrate on the essentials.

Your small victories will lead you to great victories. You should start small, to reach the great, the secret is to raise the bar higher and higher, and continually improve. Your small victories will inspire you to further steps.

  Perhaps now you're a little skeptical, but let's go on a journey, passing through which you will never become the same.

Listen to your heart. Let it guide you through life. It tells you that your vocation be to unselfish service to others. No matter how much you have room in the house, cars in the garage with him at the light they do not take. Being born, we cry and the world rejoices, live so that dying, we were happy and the world wept. Live in the present. Not in the past and not in the future.

Integrates all the knowledge and combine them into one. Apply knowledge. The knowledge needed only for the fact that they would apply.

If you want to make a breakthrough - you have to break tradition and the old thinking.
Worked tirelessly on the development of her character. Your principles govern your human performance. Do not forget that there are laws of successful and happy life. These laws can not violate. Can be divided on these laws. Not violate the laws, to study and follow them.
Do not be afraid to admit their own ignorance. This is the first step to education. Do you want a good relationship - learn to listen. Play it means to be patient, open, have a desire to understand. This property is highly developed man.

Your community wins will be possible only after the personal victories. First, improve yourself, then begin to improve relationships with others. Always refer to their employees, because you want them to treat customers.
You never let anyone be able to make change, it is personal matter. Your self-development is a subtle and delicate process. There is no better investment of their forces than an investment in yourself. Through self-development you will be constantly recharged their batteries

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