Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Generate self-esteem

Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.
St. Francis De Sales

Self-identity - is how do you feel about yourself, how you see yourself and who themselves believe. This quality is based on a list of beliefs to themselves, a list of good and bad qualities. Self-esteem - it is not what you really are or how you see other people, but the fact that you yourself think of yourself.

Self-identity - a starting point for success. High level of self-esteem is extremely important, because it is directly dependent on your actions. When your self-esteem is improved, then and your impact improves in all spheres of life. The high level of self-esteem leads to a certain action and the right decisions.

FORMATION OF HIGH self-esteem directly influences your actions. On your actions depend YOUR LIFE.

See more frequently in the mirror. And while watching, tell yourself positive words that you like about myself. Observe in a positive traits. Love yourself as you are. And over time, your image will change, the influence of self-esteem will show amazing results.

Take a clean notebook and entitle it "The Diary of success. There are recording everything in the day managed to plan and make good, all their victories. When you are in life appear difficult times or different situations when you do not hurt to have an exceptional self-confidence, simply open a diary of victories and reading. There will be a formation of self in favor of enhancing it.

Try to create as much as possible a more detailed image. The more clear it will be, the faster it is implemented. Describe how you are behaving in different situations, describe your character, manner of dress. And scroll through the appropriate image in your head, at least 1 times a day for quite a long time, until it is absorbed into the subconscious.

Write a short text that describes you and your quality with the best hand.

Then, every day read this text, it is better in the mirror

When we think about where we ourselves have successfully demonstrated, this is one of the types of self-affirmation, which creates self-confidence and allow us to feel good. But sometimes we forget about our positive qualities and talents and not enough respect for yourself how much we have achieved, especially when we meet with difficulties or with life's trials. For example, when you need to perform a complex task in the shortest possible time, and we are not sure that enough time.

To overcome such doubts in their abilities, we need to remind ourselves of what we have, and what we can do. This raises our own eyes and help us once again to feel more confident, because we think: "I've done it before. I am able to do so. And I'll do it now! "The next exercise is useful in order to begin to evaluate themselves positively.

Take a sheet of paper and pencil, divide a sheet of paper into three columns and entitle them: "My good qualities", "Where can I get a good show" and "What I have achieved."

Then close your eyes and focus on each header for 1-2 minutes. Once finished, open your eyes and write down your positive qualities, talents or achievements as quickly as possible. Write down any new ideas coming to you in the head at a time when you write.

Do this for each heading. Then review your list. Reading each item, create a mental picture of what you possess this quality, talent, or have this achievement. Finally, create a complete picture of himself with these qualities, talents and accomplishments and notice how nice it is aware.

Finish that, imagine if you were handed a large blue ribbon, and mentally approvingly patted on the back. You really are magnificent. You have achieved a lot, tending to his goal, and deserve credit for it.

Since you are so who are you mentally think that if you assess yourself positively, you're a good feeling. Moreover, if you think that you have certain qualities and talents, then you and they will have. Even if you currently do not have these features, if you think you have them, you will develop them, and your self-esteem will grow rapidly. In short, confirm what you want to achieve, and know and believe firmly in the idea, which you approved. This technique will help you do it.

These statements help, because this process leads to changes in your look at ourselves and what others perceive you and treat you well in another. So you can put this technique into its service.

Remember that the path to certainty can not be short and easy. In this way, you will first break, and only then build. Breaking the habit will continue to be weak in behavior. This will cause alarm, and it is justified. In the end, to live with uncertainty and even unpleasant, but as usual, and what awaits us in the "confidence" to the future is still unknown. And so the first time you will have an irresistible urge to return to that from which decided to leave. It is important to be able to overcome itself in this moment. Then you will begin to change, your whole life will change for the better. You will learn not only to seem confident, but will also be established. The main thing - to believe in the success and work towards its achievement!

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