Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Find your own way

Be simple, be humble, and be happy in your way; let no one tell you that this is the right way and that is the wrong way.
However you feel-whatever brings you peace and joy-is the correct way for you.
Continue in that way and you'll see the bliss get stronger.
You'll see the peace get stronger. It is very simple.

Swami Sai Premananda

You must be a mission in life. This is a set of principles that determine in which direction you are moving and where you want to be at the end of life. Mission embodies your values. This is your personal lighthouse, which does not allow you to stray from the path of your dreams. Once a month, highlight a few hours to record 5.10 principles that will govern your life and always keep you in focus. An example would be constantly serve others, be a good citizen, rich or become a strong leader. Whatever the mission of your life on a regular basis to refine and revise it. Then, if there is something negative, or someone tries to turn you on your path, you quickly get back on the chosen path.

Your precious energy can be spent in vain on senseless activities and to reflect on trifles. Imagine that your mind has at its disposal an energy measure at 1,000 watts. Every time your mind is distracted from the project you are working on some tantalizing your problem that needs to be done before the end of the day, you lose 100 watts. Very soon the entire source of energy is exhausted. Such is the nature of the mind. Stop his discipline, and your energy run out, and your accomplishments will be reduced to a minimum. Control it and you'll see how committed the great work. You will feel in a more challenging and difficult tasks will be to you on the shoulder. 19 th century philosopher Henri Frederic Amel because it summed up: "For action is nothing more useful than narrowness of thought combined with energy of will."

Once you discover your true purpose, prosperity itself will find a way for you.

Love your work

Follow what you are genuinely passionate about and let that guide you to your destination.
Diane Sawyer

To succeed in any undertaking must passionately love their work. Passion is the key emotion. This love, brought to a boil. Without passion man is not enough energy and motivation every day for hours to hone their skills. But without the daily hard work to achieve great success is not possible.
 There is only one way to do a great job - love it. If you have not come to this, wait. Do not dispose of the case. As with all others, suggest interesting thing you will own heart

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