Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Develop self-confidence

Self-confidence is the first
requisite to great undertakings.
Samuel Johnson

Here are five ways of acquiring self-esteem:

1. Realize your positive qualities, talents and accomplishments.

2. To approve the idea that you possess the qualities that you want to develop, and everything is confirmed it is working to develop these qualities.

3. Imagine that you are prosperous person who has achieved any objectives, or that your efforts are recognized by other people.

4. Imagine a prosperous, rich and having everything you want.

5. Feel confident, feel confident in their abilities and knowledge of the situation, wherever you are.

Habit-forming to look and see the positive in every circumstance and your life will improve.

UNDERSTAND YOUR POSITIVE, talents and accomplishments.

Do not worry, it depletes the brain, depriving it of force and injure the soul. Thought positive categories. The average person about 60 thousand thoughts per day and 45 yews. of them - negative. And 95% thought no different from yesterday. Learn to think so, that would be all 60 yew thoughts were positive.

Poverty forces people to lie, cheat, steal and even kill. In poverty there is nothing sublime.
The most that you can do for the poor, the hungry and the oppressed, it is not to be one of them.

A man can rise above circumstances and achieve everything you plan to be in his imagination, if he practices unwavering perseverance and a positive mental attitude.
Whatever happens, happens for reason.

The best way to strengthen your self-esteem, to do what you think fit.
Promotion is based on "hard hard work. You should be so devoted to his work that will be ready to get to realize your desires. Remember the one secret of success: nothing in life you will not work until you get it to work. And you can only make the hard work and dedication to their work. The world is so constituted that we must succeed in all. And we can only rely on their labor. Your destiny - it is your choice. We can not control everything in life, but we can control their work, which controls our results. Work and drop all the chances to lose, and you'll be successful, regardless of anyone's beliefs. Do not limit your future.

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