Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Set goals for yourself

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

 Jimmy Dean

Objective - is a definite destination. Purpose - is more than a dream. This is a dream combined with the action. Objective - this is more than just "I would like to .. . The aim is always clear and specific: "I aspire to ...». Nothing happens until the goal. Well planned and properly goals our lives. Setting goals is a personal matter and something that does not happen every night. We define goals and work on them day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. A good base if it is properly laid, ultimately resulting in the achievement of our goals, just as when building a house foundation should be strong and well-designed in order to be able to plan for the future.

Need goals can not be overemphasized. Goals are vital to man as air. No one has ever succeeded by without setting goals, just as no one had ever lived without air. It's not something where you were or where you are now and then where you want to get. Can not leave your future to chance. If you don’t plan for youreself it will make someone else.
The purpose of that is deeply rooted in the mind, has the ability to keep the man on the right path to achieve it. When the goal is embedded in the subconscious, you automatically begin to operate correctly. Your consciousness in this case is capable of a clear, direct thinking.

Objectives programmed our minds. They concentrate on achieving its specific result, and the events themselves are beginning to emerge favorably for you. You start unconsciously doing the right thing and make the right decisions. To you beginning to receive other information. Goals have programmed your mind. The subconscious mind works like a filter, allowing the mind to perceive only that which passes through the filter, but all that does not pass, not perceived. Set goals to which you even slightly believe, and then the subconscious mind will quickly throw you a perfect idea.

When you know exactly where you are going, you are much easier to find a way to get there.

If you do not know what you want to achieve in life, you can never do anything

If nothing in life do not ask, you do not get. If we ask what the fate is unclear is what you get is not known that. Our request draws from reality.

How to set goals:

In order to set effective goals, firstly, you must clearly and distinctly understand why you set goals. Secondly, you need to understand what the objectives should be to achieve maximum efficiency.

Be armed with a sheet of paper and pen.

Now imagine that from this moment 10 years have passed. Describe in detail how you live, like spend time, what you do. The more detailed your description, the easier you are at the stage of goal setting.

There is one crucial condition:

Write as if all this is realized, but more of what you wrote, you never get

The second important condition:

Write a lot and in detail

1. Your work / business
 * What do you do
 * What revenue have
 * What is your level of responsibility
 * How many people you manage
 * What is the prestige you have in his employment
 * How many times a day you work
 * How many sources of income
 * What are the sources of income

2. Family
* What style of life I provide for my family
* What are my relationships in the family
* Where we live
* In one house and an apartment we live
* How can we rest
* Where we rest
* How much time I spend family
* What are your cars

3. Social sphere
* What kind of friends I have
* What were the social groups I belong
* What is the value I bring to society
* How can I contribute positively to this world

Now, you write the text, you can easily identify their goals.

Now, goal setting becomes a simple choice of the target text.

And you have a clear description of the following purposes:

1. house / apartment

2. business (s) / work

3. Recreation

4. car

5. Entertainment

6. Travel

Choose your most important goals.

Here you have a list of 20 goals. Imagine what you can achieve only one goal from this list. What is the goal you choose? Circle this goal circle. Then select the next target on the same principle. Have the second-highest-priority goal, and then a third. These are your 3 most important goals. Focus on their implementation.

Think about the order as often as possible, imagine yourself having these things. Implanted in them. Feel comfortable with these things. Feel comfortable to live in a huge house. Do this at least 2 times a day.

1.Define your dreams

Be sure to write down their dreams on paper. This is a very important point. Paper helps to specify your goal, make it more practical and realistic. Your dream is just not so terrible. People are most afraid of the unknown. So until then, until it in your head, it might look too big and abstract. By the same dreams that you have recorded on paper, will be reminded of your daily use.

2.Devide your DREAMS FOR INTERIM achievable goals

First, your dream seems to you a very large and long. You have no idea how to proceed to its implementation. The intermediate goal of a more particularized. Be sure to put a final date for each goal. This will help you decide on a plan of action. Although goals and does not reduce the size of your dreams, but they will make more real your ideas about its size. It will no longer seem so great as was at first. All great achievements are made up of many small ones. Reason is easier to perceive many smaller goals than just one big dream. You will feel great relief, complete this step. out a PLAN
Your dream has already acquired its real dimensions. Yet you still do not believe in its implementation, because they do not know how to implement it. This point is very important because of its accuracy depends on the realization of your dreams. Think for yourself at the expense of the action plan. If your dream is quite big, your head can not come first, no good ideas. But you do not give up. Your consciousness is limited, it does not know the answers to all questions. Just here to help, and will reach the subconscious. Time of occurrence ideas may vary from 1 hour to 3 months depending on your satisfaction and desire to achieve dreams. Your subconscious mind accept the request and is working on its implementation. The idea comes to you completely random. Just think about the plan and wait.

4.Define what kind of person you should be for the achievement of this goal
Imagine that you have already reached their dreams. You become a different person, more confident, you will smile more often, will be more responsive attitude to other people. Sit down and describe your new identity on paper, its character traits, how you dress, what kind of relationships you will have in the family, what you will walk. Make as much as possible detailed description.

5.Imagine yourself achieving a goal
This item relates to the theme of self-hypnosis. Use the techniques described in the chapter on auto-suggestion, namely visualization, affirmations. This is the most important item, after you define your dream. You must make your subconscious work for you. If it is against you, you are doomed to failure. But you can make it work for you by using self-hypnosis techniques.

Achieving long-sought goal is only the beginning of a new adventure. The dream is not a destination, it is just part of life's journey. Do not forget that your life will stop at that moment, when you reach your dreams, if you forget to put a new one. When you've reached the goal, then you decide to start a journey towards something bigger, better.

1. Goals should be more
Goals can only be effective only when they are large. Need a great goal, to generate enthusiasm and excitement, which are necessary to achieve real objectives. The enthusiasm comes only when you operate at a maximum, and this may be only in the presence of appropriate targets. Small goals do not contain the greatness, to compel people to act and continue their journey, passing obstacles. Small goals do not lead the brain into a state of excitement, because there is nothing inspiring in that, so be mediocre.

The objective should be much larger problem. Even if the goal a little more problems, positive emotions may not be enough to continue the movement toward the goal.

Set a big goal, so that no problem has not been able to close your goal in sight. Big goals cause a lot more emotions, which give strength to go further.

Put as much objective in front of him, in which more willing to believe, because faith defines its implementation. If the goal is so high and unrealistic, that you are not able to believe in it, you surrender immediately, perhaps not even begun to act. Vera - a very powerful force, and if it will add even more objective, it is not there is a problem that will be able to stop you. Great goal easier to see, it is easier to fill your mind, than small ones. It contains a lot of energy in itself, which will give you the strength to deal with problems. Problems in themselves to nothing as long as you do not pay attention to them.

2. Goals should be clear and specific

Regardless of what the resources of power, talent or energy you have, you will never achieve anything that will guarantee your ability if you do not get them to work and do not focus for a particular purpose, all the time remaining aimed on achievement this purpose. The brain thinks in images, and if your goal is blurred, he could not present it in a specific way, and as a result of this goal, there are no emotions. There is no emotion - no action. Only a clear picture can cause emotions. Clarity of purpose focuses the mind on certain purposes and does not allow him to wander among the problems encountered on the road.

3. Goals should be in a positive way

Each objective should be framed positively. Negative clearance is not permitted because it is perceived by the subconscious on the contrary, not as we think. At a subconscious level, "not lose" means to lose, "not to be late" means late.

Very good track for young children. If they say not be naughty, they begin to even more mischief. If you do not have the opportunity to observe the children, watch out for themselves.

4. Goals should have a time frame

The only difference between the dream goal - this time frame. That is, for each goal, there is the date of its implementation. Date is purely psychological. Not in any way, do not think about being disappointed that you did not manage time. You simply carry the date of execution on a later date. And continue the path. This is a very important psychological moment. You are always on time implemented a goal that put her enough times. There is no real goals, there are no real dates. Because boldly put the goal. Just do not tell anyone about their purposes, and not be afraid do not achieve the target time.

5. Goals should be an everyday

Once you have defined a dream, break it down into achievable parts - goal - it is time to act. And we must act every day. If you do not have daily objectives, you fit the definition of a dreamer. see the dream. Themselves, goals are worth nothing. Goals without faith - nothing. Only action can keep the faith at a level sufficient to ensure that the dream a reality. Just daily goals will make you work, the work will support the faith, but through faith your dreams are realized. Without daily goals, nothing happens.
Large long-term goals, and time to achieve them varies from 1 year to 15 years. 15 years - this is a very long time, and if you think about how much of that time, we must overcome obstacles, you probably will not reach. Then you need and daily goals. How to go 100km? Step by step, step by step. So here, you keep in mind his great goal and concentrate on fulfilling the goals for today. They are small, to achieve them need a little time and energy. So day after day, week after week, month after month, and you will reach your goal.

Success is built exactly the same way as a beautiful building - made of bricks, each of which by itself seems insignificant, and nothing of ourselves is not presented. But brick by brick and develops a huge building. The book is written letter by letter. Leads to success can not come with one big leap, success is achieved only step by step. You set the length of this step. If you choose too big a step, you can break it into two. If the steps that have turned out, and then present to you the complexity, break them again. So until then, until you find that this step is quite easy. I can do it. Man who wants to achieve maximum success, be clearly understood that the process is step by step. Any major achievement - the sum of small achievements.

The dream is not shattered at the goal will always remain a fantasy. Big goals are needed, so you know, where does it go, but attention should be focused on these small intervals of the path to a great goal.

To speed the path to achieve goals at one location can use the method of visualization. Because you have a clearly structured way, you just imagine that you have already reached the next target. Visualization customizes and creates events that affect the more rapid your achievement. Then, when he reaches that goal, you visualize the achievement of the next target.

Set new goals need! It is very important when you go to their new goals, not to forget about their previous achievements. It is very important, because when you go to the new goals and think about not accomplish the goals you are wasting energy.

It is important to develop the habit of always being happy and grateful for what you have now, before you go to a new purpose.

When you think and give thanks for what has already been fulfilled, you get energy. You feel like a man who is able to reach their goals!

Do not waste energy on past achievements. This powerful energy will give you the strength to move forward. Besides to this, you will take root in the subconscious belief that you can always reach their goals.

The best way - is to move toward new goals and constantly keep in mind about what you have already achieved. Then you will be constantly in a state of gratitude and happiness, because you have already achieved a lot of things. The subconscious mind will perceive the state of the estate. And the Universe will give you even more and contribute to achieving new goals.

         1. The goal is not to cause harm to others.

         2. The purpose is helping others or the universe.

      Our experience has shown that the existence of written goals, with dates, really helps manifestation process. Adding photos, desire and work really does it. Use your imagination!

    * Verifiable: when your goal is something that can be verified, you allow yourself to see the target was successfully created. This, in turn, makes it more achievable goal. The universe always provides.

    * Positive: the creation of a positive goal is recommended as the mind often does not hear the word "no." Focusing on a positive image brings this image to you.

      Record your goals on tape and play them too often works well. Be sure to always use the positive thoughts and goals. Listen to it often.

Make yourself a dream, instead of borrowing someone else's.

Think about your ideal life and the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead of you Your future dreams and visions are naturally positive and uplifting. While you are thinking about them, you can't simultaneously think about something that holds you back or drags you down.

If a man has no purpose, it is nothing to live for, and he quickly fades. When the brain is not engaged in constructive action, he engaged in disruptive. This explains why people who have goals live longer and age slower. Goals and objectives can only keep a man in this life, where doctors are powerless. Burning desire to possess such power, that can put off the inevitable death for years. Let the goal will help you live longer. Not one drug in the world can a person back to life as it will make a fiery dream and a firm purpose.

The man who thinks about a specific worthy goal, reach it, because thinking about it, it becomes so, what thinks. A man who has no goal, who does not know in which direction it goes, in connection with what his thoughts are full of confusion, confusion, fear, uncertainty, it becomes so, what thinks. The life of a man overwhelmed with anxiety, fear and apprehension. If he does not think about anything, he becomes nothing.

Focus on where you want to go, and not on where you were

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