Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Use your mental capacity

The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.
John Milton:

At the source of any wealth and success is an idea!

Your mind is like a muscle. First, it must be trained, and only then push forward to make it stronger. It can be painful at first, but the improvement will come, and certainly the most positive impact on your character.

The mind as a garden - you reap what you sow. When you cultivate it and fed, it blossoms exceeds your greatest expectations. But if you allow weeds to grow, you will never reach its potential.

Think about the man who want to become, because we get to what we think most of the time. Think about success, health and prosperity - you notice that that you have become more in life. Change the thought and you change not only their lives, but the world opens to you in an entirely different form. Thinking, dreaming of big.
Idea material. This is a magnet. If they are positive thoughts attract positive circumstances, if they are negative thoughts attract negative circumstances.

For the reason there are no obstacles, except those we acknowledge.

Each of us is available to the most amazing machine on the planet.

The brain two-faced. The power of the subconscious simply amazing. It is known that it monitors and controls all vital functions of the human body, from blood to breath and digestion. In the subconscious mind is embodied everything that has happened to the man. They recorded every event of our lives, as well as the related thoughts and feelings.
It is the subconscious often helps a person directing its activities. Through intuition, dreams, feelings and hunches, it tells us the necessary ideas and solutions. Once they discovered this amazing ability, people will no longer be helpless in any situation.

You can deliberately build in my subconscious plan, thought or feeling, which would materialize, and soon will definitely get a material equivalent conceived. The subconscious mind productively and always ready to serve you, but few are able to use his strength.

Consciousness - the gardener, and your task - to select what should go into our inner garden. The subconscious is illegible. The subconscious mind perceives what it is presented, with a ready positive or negative attitude to this. It can not assess the situation, as does the mind, and join with you in the dispute.

If you want to change your life, you should look for the cause - the way you use your mind: your way of thinking and visualization. You can not think both positively and negatively. At some point, always dominated by any one type of thinking. The mentality develops into a habit, so you must ensure that the positive thoughts and emotions are always prevailed over the negative.
To change the external circumstances, you must first change the internal. Most people are trying to change is the external circumstances. If you do not change the thoughts and beliefs, such attempts have led nowhere, or give only short-term effect.

Realize this, and you'll get crystal clear path to a better life. Learn how to think about success, happiness, health, welfare, and to banish from their thoughts of concern and fear. Let your mind be occupied until something better, with the watch so that your habitual thoughts occupied what you want from life.

Your subconscious will do depending on what images you mortgage it in their daily meditations. So going on your destiny. Your life - in your hands, and you can make it be what you want.
It is understood that the subconscious will always give you what we want, and daily thoughts to represent him as in your life will occur joyful change. Your powerful internal "partner" will reduce you to the people and leads to the circumstances necessary to implement your goals.

The subconscious mind perceives a continuous fluctuation of energy success, attracting to you people and circumstances necessary to achieve your objective market. I should add that with the same success could be attracted to the subconscious and the failure, if you have negative thoughts prevail. It does not distinguish and select ideas, but only works with those desires, hopes and fears, which are present in your brain.

When you mentally associate themselves with the positive, what you want to achieve in reality, your subconscious, respectively, it reacts. Your habitual way of thinking and prevailing mental images you create the reality around you, creating your unique destiny.

If you comprehend this truth, you will open the treasures of the universe. The powerful subconscious awaits your instructions.
Here are three steps that will help you naturally and effortlessly to awaken your intuition and get answers to interesting questions:

Step 1

A few minutes think about what you really have a powerful subconscious mind that there are absolutely correct answers and solutions, and that your subconscious mind will find them for you. Try to move from a logical understanding of these facts to their emotional perception. When this happens, you will feel the excitement. Consciousness should be constantly reminded of the existence of such a powerful assistant, as the subconscious. You should feel confident, realizing the latent force within you.

Step 2

Clearly define what you want from your subconscious: what are the answers, solutions and views on the issue you want him to get. Several times, repeat to myself that at this very moment your subconscious work for you. Do not strain trying to provide possible answers. Talk to your subconscious mind with confidence, constantly repeating what you want from him, but expresses it in words as if it already does this for you. "Now, my subconscious tells me ..." Repeat it to myself at least ten times, to feel that the process has begun.

Step 3

Relax and fill your brain with the confidence that you will correct answer. Remember that faith and confidence - is not just a sensation, and the fluctuations of energy. These fluctuations will attract the right solutions and answers, like a magnet attracts metal. The brain, in which the oscillations occur the energy of confidence in the correct answer, naturally finds this response. Imagine that you feel when you find the correct answer: excitement, joy, relief. Feel it now, but do not exert yourself too much. Do not day and night to think about the fact that the subconscious mind will soon tell you the correct answer.
Implementation of all three steps, takes no more than five or ten minutes. They are best done every evening before bedtime. The transition from wakefulness to sleep is the most opportune moment, when you can reach the subconscious.

Only our mind does good or evil, makes us unhappy or happy, rich or poor.
Your brain is a faithful servant, he is looking forward to any of your team, ready to do what you want.

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