Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Understand and use of the Law of attraction wisely

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.
Albert Einstein

Law of Attraction goes something like this: "you attract into your life what you most think about."

And, as a consequence, the secret law of attraction: "Think about what you want and ignore and not think about what you do not want."

Every thought Regardless of whether positive or negative, has the energy. Universe realizes what he has more energy, but not what we want or not want. Where more is flowing out more follow.
You have often noticed that carried out much of what you do not like, afraid to be loved. Why is this happening? The answer lies in the fact that you so badly do not want this to happen, that constantly think how to avoid it. But it is important that the main object, which focuses all your attention - it is something you do not want. You invest energy in something that does not want, and because it is attracted to you.
The rules are simple: Ignore and not think about what you do not want.

With fear in general is very simple. The fear is in itself a strong emotion (the strongest of the negative emotions) and because the emotions associated with fear, very energetic. They have a very strong energy that creates a greater attraction. And if we add the fact that you always move in my mind now that you're afraid, then repetition significantly increases energy, and attracted even more undesirable.

The result of such a vicious circle: the object is an appropriate thought, thought to activate emotions and emotions create reality, we are seeing the reality and unconsciously creating a new object of the same nature (negative emotions create a negative object, positive - positive) or continue to work with the previous object. And as long as you consciously do not change the object, you will move through the characteristic circle. If this range of positive (red in figure), then no problem, continue to do so, all is well. You attracts positive things. When the range of negative (gray in the figure), you must understand it to break.

Try to keep your head clear, try to avoid a negative. You can very much change in your life, because after her.

1. Learn to give thanks for all the good things happening to you. That Learn. More details about gratitude

2. If you happened something bad

1) quickly analyze why this happened

2) make conclusions. Remember them and fill in your experience

3) forget about the situation

3. Ignore the negative information that involuntarily comes to you

1) by being able to remove negative information from the source

2) Move the subject, if possible

3) translate your thoughts into another area

Positive information, you must deliberately cultivate the mind.

On the negative, you can not protect themselves, because in a certain way to learn to react to it.

The man attracts what he loves, fears and continuing forward, all that is in its central, focused mind.

Life gives us what we expect it to get and not what we want. "On that reckoning, that you’ll receive.

   Universe - is energy transfer. All the world is energy. Everything that surrounds us: the objects, thoughts, feelings, desires - it is all composed of tiny particles, which are combined to form a coherent whole. Matter - on the solid form of energy, so it slowly moves and changes. The idea - a mild form of energy, so quickly and easily changed. All shape, energy transfer are interrelated and can influence on each other.
Energy transfer has magnetism. Like attracts like. Many must have noticed that if you need any information, folded necessary book. Those things people used to call accidents. Remember, accidents do not happen! This work mechanism of visualization.
Form follows idea. To get something, we first think about it. If you think about the disease, then obviously sick.

All that we recognize the universe returns to us in the form of reflection. Even a well-known proverb: "You reap what you sow."

Like attracts like. In our life there is no random passers-by. We are attracting the wrong people, who want to attract, and those who like us.

The inner world of human thought is embodied in the external world of things. We must not look for causes of unhappiness in the external world and turn his gaze inward. Our external world - a world realized our internal thoughts.

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