Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be an optimist. Expect Success

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

 Winston Churchill

All the people who reached the heights, usually produce an indispensable mental habit - optimism. Without optimism, life loses its luster, and at every step difficult. This is an important habits.

Measure of mental health - is the willingness of all to find a good
Optimism, in fact, is also a necessary quality for achieving certain goals, and on life in general. People with a more optimistic turn of mind and achieve their goals easier to go through life ...

So, what is the optimism? Optimism - a characteristic of man, his formative psychological processes in such a way that many things are perceived more positively, and surrounding processes - are considered in terms of a positive outlook. The optimism - certainly a good quality, which should be valued and promoted.

Optimism - the inner generator positive, the energy which we so often try to get outside, interacting with other people - positive sources.

Send your optimism really facing things that occupy a dominant position in your life that you then bring as much joy. Send it to self-development - and you never feel somewhat slighted. In the end, send their optimism in the business - and the result will be forthcoming.

Optimists believe that all the failures - a temporary phenomenon, and all such situations are perceived as a challenge, with which they are struggling with a vengeance.

Optimists often succeeding. When hiring preferences on a competitive basis in the main give more optimists than pessimists. It is believed that they live longer. In essence, it is friendly and pleasant people to communicate, which carry only a positive. They perceive the reality of life as it really is.

Fill your mind with positive ideas, thoughts and inspirations and you will have no room left for the negative.

When you face serious challenges in your life, being unhappy and speaking negatively to yourself won't change anything for the better. Instead, seek out joy in positive affirmations of your continued worth.

How to become an optimist person?

First, optimists look for the good in every situation. No matter what goes wrong, they always look for something good or beneficial. And not surprisingly, they always seem to find it.

Second, optimists always seek the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty. They believe that, "difficulties come not to obstruct, but to instruct." They believe that each setback or obstacle contains a valuable lesson they can learn and grow from, and they are determined to find it.

 Third, optimists always look for the solution to every problem. Instead of blaming or complaining when things go wrong, they become action oriented. They ask questions like, "What's the solution? What can we do now? What's the next step? "

 In addition, people who are habitually optimistic, positive and upbeat think and talk continually about their goals. They think and talk about the future and where they are going rather than the past and where they came from. They are always looking forward rather than backward.

Expect the best - and your optimism will open the door favorable opportunities

An old and very wise Chinese man said to his friend:

- Look at the room in which we are better, and try to remember things brown. - The room was a lot of things brown, and each quickly coped with this task. But the wise Chinese man asked him the following question:

- Close-ka his eyes and list all the things ... blue! - A friend was confused and troubled: "I did not notice the blue, because I remembered at your bidding only things brown!"

To which the wise man replied: "Open your eyes, look around - in fact in the room are so many things in blue." And it was true. Then the wise Chinese man continued: "This is an example, I wanted to show the truth of life: if
Did you mean things in the room just brown, but in real life - only the bad, and then you'll only see them, ignore them entirely, and only they will be remembered to you and to participate in your life. Remember: if you are looking for,
bad, you're sure to find it and never notice anything good.

Therefore, if the life you will wait and mentally prepare for the worst - it will necessarily happen to you, you'll never be disappointed in their fears and concerns, but all you'll find them new
and new evidence. But if you are going to hope and prepare for the better, then you will not attract bad in my life, but simply to risk only to be disappointed sometimes - life is impossible without disappointments.

Expecting the worst, you lose the life of all the good that it actually is. If you expect bad things to it, and then you will get. And vice versa. You can buy a strength of spirit, through which any stress, critical
situation in life will have a positive side. "

Believe that you will succeed.
Realize that you are solely responsible for their own future. You are solely responsible for the outcome of your efforts. Do not look for blame.
Do not hesitate to ask for help as you need, but remember that the final decision depends on you. This is your life, in the end.

When you are looking for something, you will find it. If you constantly expect exceptional success, you are sure it will achieve. Peak performers attract success. During the day, think back to the goals. Do this at least 5 times a day and imagine how you implement them. If your goal is to get rich, imagine a house in which you live, a car, where you ride, the feeling of wealth and pleasure from achieving your goals. Go back to your desires again and again, until you're fully confident that implement them, and it will happen.

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