Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Build strong relationships

To be successful, you have to be able to relate to people; they have to be satisfied with your personality to be able to do business with you and to build a relationship with mutual trust.
George Ross

Always remember the fundamental principle that the quality of your life - is the quality of your communication. This is your communication with others and, more importantly, your communication with yourself. You get what you concentrate on anything. If you are looking for positive things, you get them. This is the basic law of nature.

Avoid those who deny. Protect themselves from those who warn you that you will fail or lose your time or money - that you "will die in the wilderness.
Associates himself with positive people - men and women who are optimistic and ambitious. Refuse to listen to objections and the reasons for which you do not succeed. Live and work only with those people who inspires you and want you to succeed. Understand the people you choose to their environment, may have more influence on your life than any other factor.

Please contact only with positive, focused people who you can learn and that will not deplete your energy complaining and bad mood. Developing relationships with those who are committed to continuous improvement and strives to achieve better in life, you will find a lot of passengers on the way to achieving the goal you have set.

Moreover, contagious not only losers, with their failures, but successful people with luck. Therefore, in order to become successful and happy man should communicate with the lucky optimists and avoid losers. After all, they
already sunk his boat a happy life and good luck, so they will get a true pleasure to sink the boat and your life and dreams to yourself and you once again prove that life - is a failure. And that's fortunate,
successful people prove to all around, that they - the lucky ones, and other infect their happiness and radiant optimism. As they say, tell me who your friend (mom, dad, girlfriend, husband, children, aunts, colleagues, neighbors ...), and I'll tell you who you are.

The level of your income and well-being will always be the size of the average with respect to the income of your five closest friends.

Find the five people who visited a bookstore this week, and make them his close friends.

When you remove from your life unfriendly to you people, the negative effects will disappear from your life.

Build human connections. He devoted himself to the deepening of relations with the people around you. Concentrate on helping others achieve their goals, are more concerned about selfless service, than on compensation. You came into this world. to make it richer, forgetting this truth, you will betray yourself.

Farewell Friend weakness. If you're looking for disadvantages, you will find them. Be mature enough: do not pay attention to small defects other and look for something good that is initially in each person. In every person has something to learn: an interesting story, a good joke or a lesson in life. Absorb it in himself, and you learn a lot. Friends are very important for a happy life, especially those who have been with you in joy and in sorrow. A lot is working to make friendships, and in general all relations, stronger and richer. Call your friends, buy them with books or other items on which they will enjoy. "Farm Act" is applicable to interpersonal relations and to the rest of life - you collect the harvest only to have sown, and to have good friends, you need first to be so very different.

No one can offend or insult you without your permission. One of the golden key to happiness and great success - it is your interpretation of the events unfolding before you. People who have achieved great success, are the masters of interpretation. People who have achieved greatness, to develop their ability to interpret negative events as a positive challenge, which helps them grow and move up the ladder of success. No negative experiences, there is only experience, which helps you develop and strengthen your character so you can climb to new heights. There is no failure, only lessons we are learning from them.

Remember the names of people and good attitude to all. This habit, together with enthusiasm - one of the most important secrets of success. Everything in this world are imaginary icon: "I want to feel important and evaluated. The sound of their own name - a very nice music for people.

Napoleon the 3rd had a special ability to remember names of all the people he met. Its secret lies in the fact that the acquaintance he would always say: "Sorry, I forgot your name." Thus, the name was repeated many times and was adjourned in memory. If the name was difficult, he asked how it is written.

Be open to others and sincerely interested in them. You can learn from everyone you meet.

Remember that the ability to forgive - is a virtue, this little, but it is very important to maintain the peace of mind. Mark Twain wrote that forgiveness - this is a fragrance that exudes violet on the heel that has crushed it. Practice forgiveness in those situations where it seems especially difficult. If you regularly use your emotional forgiveness muscles, minor offenses and comments will not touch you, and nothing will penetrate your mind calm.

Regularly send handwritten notes to your customers and business partners to strengthen contacts. Develop a system that would remind you of the need to send something valuable to these people but once in 4 month. Send them postcards when you are on vacation. If you have to buy a few hundred postcards and spend an hour on their writing, do not worry. This is an extremely efficient investment of time. Another idea - to send a new interesting article to your partners, along with a note written by hand, which says that you think that this article of interest, and that you still value their friendship. Building a good relationship should always be in the limelight, whether you are CEO of a student, the seller or a parent.

Send greeting cards to birthday parties and small notes, which show that you care and think about their loved ones. We are all very busy, but if you spend just 5 minutes a week to send postcards to friends or family members by the end of the year, you send 52 postcards. You will see that it will return to you a thousandfold.

Choosing a partner for life, remember that this is the most important decision of your life. Marriage gives you 90% of support, happiness and achievement, and therefore chooses a partner with the mind. Look for qualities such as affection, sense of humor, intelligence, integrity, maturity, temperament, compatibility and the feeling of "chemistry", which is so difficult to describe. If these features are present, your marriage can be very successful. Do not hurry and do not let anyone influence your decision.

Trust your partner. This will strengthen your relationship and allow you to both grow at the same pace. Also very useful to share important issues with a close friend.

Become a mainstay of your spouse, always keep his dreams and hopes. Grow together and walk confidently through life as an army of two soldiers.

Ability to develop different types of relationships in your life is an important key to success. Creating a solid foundation in the relationship with your spouse, children, family and friends, as well as maintaining a healthy, happy relationship will improve the quality of your life and give you a new meaning.
Think of three people who can give you inspiration, motivation and support your goals and aspirations. Schedule a meeting with each of them in the next few weeks. Listen carefully and think along with them. Map out a strategy and listen to their wise counsel.

Choose 5 people with whom you would like to improve relationships next 6 months. Write down the names of these people, and under each name note in detail why you want to improve how you plan to do it and for how long. This is just another aspect of goal setting, which always gives excellent results in any area. Take up the challenge to become the best parent, best friend and a better citizen. Creative approach to the steps you take to show your appreciation and respect for loved ones. Send note - this is very good, but think about something more unusual, such as a romantic picnic with your partner or about the early fishing with an old friend.

Meet and make friends with neighbors. They diversify your life and can assist in the most unexpected situations.

Do not say, when you listen to. One of the most frequently encountered rudeness - this interrupt the speaker. Listen hard, with full attention. You have no idea how much you learn and how many people will start looking for your advice.

 Learn to work in a team. Make new friends. You'll be surprised what happens to people over the years and how small gestures of kindness will help you later in life. Treat every person encountered on your path, as the most important. You expect a great success.

Butt and build new friendships as such relationships are necessary for a successful and healthy life. Find a few minutes a day to send warm wishes to an old friend or make a phone call to someone with whom you have not talked. Empathy and genuine concern for all of your friends and watch the results that follow. Be yourself a good friend. Make it a priority to find new friends, like a lot of them you may be. This is one of the greatest joys in life, which many of us lack.

 Try to live a day without saying, never "I". Focus on others. Listen to others - and you will learn many new and surprising and zavedet new friends.

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