Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.
- Bo Bennett

Visualization or mental representation, refers to the ability of the brain to see objects in images. Visualization is the most powerful tool for voluntary suggestion, which is known to date. The brain can not distinguish from the real events are presented. For him, represented in the mind of the events are a reality. This fact is proven.

There are three elements which is determined success cherishing creative visualization in each situation:

1. Wish. You have to have a genuine desire to create something that you choose a for visualization - a clear, strong representations for the purpose.
Cherished desires are given to us along with the forces for their implementation.

2. Belief. The more you believe in your goal and in the possibility of achieving it, the more chances you y to achieve it.

3. Perception. You must have a hankering t and have desired.

We form our reality! Introducing a variety of situations, we attract these events in his life. And the more and more vivid your visualization, the greater the likelihood that it will happen in reality, so be careful of your thoughts and mental images. This is another reason to start thinking positively. In this case, you'll think of nice pictures and bring into their lives is their.

So what is visualization? This painting in the imagination of pictures, images, events ... Everyone in his life regularly engaged in rendering, but often this process occurs unconsciously. A simple example of imaging are images that arise in your head when reading a book. You can not attach to the process of forming images and no special effort, they appear by themselves.

Visualization technique itself is fairly simple, but for the fact that it began to operate, is important to keep training. The more you visualize, the better you do it will be obtained. Continue to engage in, and soon it will be useful to your habit, that's great help in my life. Anyone can learn to visualize, as well as learn how to think positively and learn other useful skills and abilities, some of which are becoming a way of life and allows us to take control of their lives the way we also want to obtain the desired easy and fun.

Visualization - a representation of the desired in his imagination, but that the rendering process has been really effective you need to follow a few basic rules, or rather a few steps, because visualization involves a sequence of actions.

Your visualization should be only positive and only carry a positive charge, it should have good news to you, and it does not cause anyone harm.

Do this daily and can be twice a day - morning and evening, and it is possible and more often if there is a desire and opportunity.

3 Secrets of Successful Visualization:
Before a session of visualization clearly define what you want. Choose what you really want to achieve, rather than simply desirable.
2. Continuously replay
Be sure to repeat the achievement of one and the same goal as long as long as it does not reach. Repetition and is to visualize achieving the same goal many times. The effectiveness of visualization increases with the number of repetitions. You will feel it more effective to the extent that the mind begins to believe in what you visualize. Even after the visualization you will feel that it really has happened. The extent to which you are given easy repetition. depends on the goal you have set ourselves. The process of repetition makes the goal of dominating thought in your mind, and the universe responds to a greater extent on your dominant thoughts.
3. FEEL THAT visualized
Universe takes the emotions and only responds to emotional thoughts and images. If you visualize and feel that this is happening, the effect is minimal. If you can not bring myself to feel okay, practice. Remember that feeling in this process - the main component.
In the process of visualization to focus on the final result. Do not give up and repeat imaging, even if nothing special happens. Wait for an answer. Response time varies from a couple of hours to several months depending on your compliance with desire.
Success is not easy. Visualization is one of the habits of successful people, so learn, practice, and most importantly believe that will achieve its goal. And the universe always gives you the chance to achieve their dreams.
Always fancied their ideal life, to represent it. Imagination is more important than memory. Dream! Through dreams, overcome fears. If you want to become great, must become responsible for his every thought.

Imagine that you have succeeded.

Success inspires self-esteem. If you think of that are successful, it will help you feel more confident in myself. This process is beneficial because you not only learn more about the opportunities to succeed, but, imagining that you have been successful here and now, you'll learn what it means to succeed. You feel more power, more dynamic, more motivation, more self-esteem - and all these feelings contribute to a greater sense of confidence. In fact, you use mental imagery in order to convince yourself that you are here and now what you want, and your feelings, and actions speak that complement and reinforce this mental image.

The next exercise will give you a try, what is the success that you want. Repeat this exercise regularly for a few days to reinforce this image of success and enhance your self-esteem. Later you can put those feelings in life, taking new actions to achieve success or successfully using the opportunity.

Start with the fact that decide what success is most important to you. Then, relax, close your eyes and imagine that you reach this goal.

Make way of achieving this goal as much as possible the life and imagine that you have been successful here and now. For example, if your goal - to work well on their work, imagine that the work is fully completed and executed perfectly. If your goal - to conclude a major transaction, imagine that you throw into the market party goods, which led to sales of goods, and imagine that you shake hands after signing the contract. If your goal - to get a larger office, imagine that you actually sit there and chatting with customers.

Introducing his success, experienced the satisfaction and sense of his own strength that he brings. Feel the rise, excitement, strength, power, absolute self-confidence and knowledge of the situation. Then imagine how other approaches to you or call to congratulate you. You feel the warmth and you are excited, accepting congratulations. They tell you how lucky you are. And you feel fine and able to feel everything that you want to do.

PRESENTS a rich and prosper.

Currently, wealth and prosperity is directly linked to success. This is a symbol of achieving the desired objective, winning fame and recognition, the possession of power. This confirmation and approval for the majority of people who have attained the goal. While the success described in the previous exercise, is the goal, an image of prosperity in this exercise is a reward for this achievement.

Focus on the prosperity of this, in turn, helps you develop an appropriate state of mind to receive these awards. Similarly, this way of achieving the goal creates a mental state, allowing you to act or resist to achieve it. Then, when you feel a state of mind, you'll concentrate on prosperity, as its well-deserved reward, it will give you a sense of confidence and strength.

To feel that wealth and prosperity, use the symbols of rewards for success that are important to you. For example, if you care to live a rich and luxurious life, use the conventional symbols of the lifestyle, such as the possession of money, a beautiful house and car, and luxury travel to interesting places. If your ideal - to be popular and influential figure, imagine the characters of this lifestyle, for example, that you are accompanying your suite, delivers a speech in front of rapt audience of thousands, or that you arrive at the grand opening and reporters take pictures of your visit. Conversely, if you represent a philanthropist, make donations to social needs, imagine that. In short, in order to feel that you have success, select a symbol of the success with which you identify yourself, because you are using their power of mental representations of success in order to allow yourself to feel success.

Concentrate on the feeling of confidence and strength for some time and enjoy them. Then, realizing that you have everything you might want to now, a diplomat close and walk away from the room, knowing that you can always come to this mountain to get more money, and you can always open a diplomat, to take more money and lay down their hill. Later, you still have images of a diplomat and the mountains, and once you want to feel the power and wealth, you can again think about them.

Visualizing, do not forget to take real steps.

When you continually visualize your goals and ideals and talk to yourself in a positive way, you feel more focused and energized. You feel more confident and creative. You experience a greater sense of control and personal power.

 And the more positive and motivated you feel, the more eager you are to get started and the more determined you are to keep going.

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