Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be disciplined

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step

 Old Chinese Proverb

Self-discipline is the most important trait for long-term success. Many years ago, Elbert Hubbard defined self-discipline as "the ability to force myself to do exactly what should be done, and just when it should be done, whether you like it or not."

The secret of your success - is discipline and a strict regime. Work on self-discipline. She brought up in you the ability to not go astray, when life will throw you from side to side on the steep turns. Your iron willpower and discipline is the most important quality of any successful person.

Discipline gives freedom.

Destroy fear, and you can do what you want.

One of the reasons why people mostly do not achieve in life, is that every success is preceded by hard work. Setting goals, formulation of the result - too hard work. It is much easier to accept life as it really is, and simply earn a living, and not build it on his own taste. You have summoned all his will and perform all the exercises at least for the sake of self-discipline. Someone said that in life there are two very big trouble: the discipline of flour and flour remorse, and if discipline is measured grams of flour, the flour of remorse - tons. But I am sure that these exercises will bring you a lot of fun. See for yourself.

Realize that you are solely responsible for their own future. You are solely responsible for the outcome of your efforts. Do not look for blame. Do not hesitate to ask for help as you need, but remember that the final decision depends on you. This is your life, in the end.

Make a habit of saying out loud what you hope to achieve. Talk about it in the present tense, for example, 'I told her and finish', as opposed to "I will form and decoration. If you feel uncomfortable speaking aloud to themselves, write down the statement. Then look at it (or better yet, rewrite) several times day. This will help your mind to focus on the goal. It also builds your confidence and trust.

Force yourself to go forward and do more every day. Winners on the playing field of life are continually expanding its capacity. Do what you fear, and fear must disappear. Winners do things that normal people do not like to do, even if they do not like. This demonstrates the strength of will and courage. Fight with their weaknesses. Do what you continuously postponed. Write a thank you letter that you've been putting off. Train the muscles of your discipline and you will be rewarded, having lived your day great satisfaction, efficiency and energy.

Discipline - a bridge between intention and accomplishment, it is - the glue that connects the inspiration to achieve it - a magical power that turns the financial need for the creation of inspired works of art.
Discipline comes to those people who are aware that in order to launch the kite, it should be turned against the wind, that all good things in life sought by those who are willing to swim against the tide, that passive glide aimlessly through life only leads to bitterness and frustration.
Discipline - is the foundation on which construction of any success. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure.
Discipline - is the most important quality, which you can develop yourself for life success and personal achievements. A disciplined man can conquer the world.

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