Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.

Learn how to effectively meditate. The mind by nature very noisy machine which wants to jump from one topic to another, as the unbound monkey. We must learn to restrain and discipline your mind, if you want to achieve something substantial. Meditation for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening will give you amazing results if you do this regularly for 6 months. Scientists sages of the East promoted numerous benefits of meditation for over 5,000 years.

The main work to be accomplished by man. - This inner work.
Every day do something significant to make themselves more deeply. To get more from the life to which you aspire, you first need to become so. who you really are.

Everything that happens to you, good or bad, happens to teach what is most necessary for you exactly at this very moment. Realize this and always ask yourself: "What an opportunity for my inner growth opens before me this or that situation?" This is a great source of inner peace.

Learn to be calm. A person on average spends less than 30 minutes. per month in total silence and tranquility. Habit of sitting quietly and enjoy the silence of at least 10 minutes a day. Just think about what's important to you in life. Meditate on your mission. Silence is really gold. As Zen master once said, is the space between the bars that hold the cage.

Use the following methods to improve the quality of your meditation:

Meditate every day at the same time and same place that your mind is accustomed to sink to the desired state of rest as soon as you walk into a quiet place

The best time for meditation - early morning. Indian yogis believe that the time before dawn has almost magical properties, which help achieve a state of absolute rest, that is the purpose of meditation.

Before you begin, you can run your mind to calm down, using phrases such as "I will now very calm and focused."

If thoughts still come, do not chase them, but just let them pass like clouds, giving way to the beautiful blue sky. Imagine that your mind - it is a calm lake, which is not even a ripple.

First meditate 10 minutes, and then gradually increase the time. After a month or two you are not distracted by any extraneous thoughts, and you feel a state of rest, which you've never been.

When the breath smooth and strong, the mind is also steady and calm.

Everything is always created twice: first in his mind, and then in reality. Just as the plan of the house you first have to describe on paper, and the day must first plan in mind. Imagine what you want to achieve in life, and your wish will come true, because your subconscious will begin to concentrate on achieving these goals.

A man can rise above circumstances and achieve everything you plan to be in his imagination, if he practices unwavering perseverance and a positive mental attitude.

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