Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cultivate an attractive personality

It's beauty that captures your attention, personality that captures your heart.

The essence of man in his nature, so your character should be unique, unblemished and strong. Do not promise to do something, if you are not sure that necessarily do so. Tell the truth and do not throw words to the wind. Be humble, straightforward and calm.

Be real, persistent, modest and generous.

Raised in a warm, outgoing personality with a sincere love for people

Laugh at work and be known as a positive person who is much sought.

Raised in a punctual, because it is very important for achieving success. Punctuality reflects discipline and respect for others. Without it, even the most intelligent man is somewhat unpleasant. Do not come early and not be late. Organize your schedule and if you arrive early, walk or simply relax, to arrive on time. You will always be glad if you develop yourself in this important feature, which now occurs very infrequently.

Compete, everybody will know you as a person with a cool head, warm heart and great character. Your presence on this earth will long be remembered.

You change the circumstances, when change their habits. You change habits when modifying their beliefs.

Learn to laugh at himself.

* Anger, Blame, Envy, Resentment, and Self-pity - Eliminate them with good thought.
* Make a conscious decision to accept complete responsibility for your life, for everything you are and everything you will ever be.
* Don't blame anyone else.
* I am, what I am due to my choices and no one else.

Absorb the entire world experience success. Be effective, study efficiency. Learn to control yourself. Be at peace with itself. Remember happiness is a big focus work. Daily improve and expand their life philosophy.

Evoking in a strong positive response. Inspired by all, with what comes up and inspire others. Remember that interdependence is a value higher than independence.

Working on the ethics of his character. Be a holistic personality. Be humble moderate courageous fair patient industrious. Integrates himself these qualities. Work on the integrity of his character.

That you did not say people will always feel, who you really are. Who are your character is your essence will always be louder than the words which thou hast spoken. Man does not hear the words he hears your character. Work on the strength of character. Do you possess miraculous power. This force is invisible and inaudible and unconscious. This force affects other people's life his character.

Patience, kindness, love, willingness to help, joy, happiness, wisdom and understanding - are qualities that never grow old. Who in your life improves and more and more shows, he will remain young in body and soul.

Create your image as a highly competent, strong, disciplined, calm and decent person. Find the right balance between your image to the outside world and your character. Create a sense of mystery around himself, because a truly wise man never opens all the cards. No do not tell everything about themselves, their strategies and aspirations. The successful citizens of this world think thrice before you say something, because the word uttered not catch. Demonstrate ease in all that you do, and people will consider you gifted by nature. Speak only good things, and people will always seek to you. Never speak ill of others, and everyone will know that you do not blame people for their backs. Work on improving your character and follow the high principles in life.

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