Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Work in a Team

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.

 Ryunosuke Satoro

You can learn everything you need to reach any goal. You are able to master any skill and ability to become what you dream to be. Theodore Roosevelt said that the key to success - "do everything possible, in terms that there are, where you are."

All that has to others, and you will. Objectives are available the rest are available to you. Your possibilities are limitless, if you take their future and are under tight control. If you right now, right now give the floor to embody these principles in practice, you expect such overwhelming victory, which you do not even dare to dream. Nothing will stop you.

Do not be afraid to ask for help. This feature of people with character, strong and courageous. I gladly share themselves with others. This certificate of responsibility, compassion and the greatness of the human person.

Develop a "master mind" group of four or five people with whom you can openly discuss ideas in a nonjudgmental way.

Find a mentor! Mentoring - is when you lead a man who has achieved great success in a field that interests you. Our education system hardly prepares us for real life, so do not assume that just because you went to university, you have already prepared for life. Hardly so. You must continue to learn. The most successful people attend seminars, read books, join groups and clubs, find mentors, even hire a highly personal managers (mentors) in order to secure success.

Find yourself a mentor who has already succeeded in what you are dreaming. . Looking for a mentor with whom you want to emulate and who will accompany you on the road.

Surround themselves teachers, books, like-minded people. Create a group in which each will be charged for each positive energy, help in difficult moments. Brain center should encourage you to think and be active. Look at all the people who surround you. Most of the success can be achieved only in the team.

Read biographies of the rich and famous people, especially those who have achieved the same goals that you face. Learn how they turned their dreams into reality. Learn how to copy their success. Learn to enjoy their achievements. Is the golden key to wealth and success.

All errors in the world is once someone had been committed. Find someone who has the wisdom and attention to others, that is, find a mature man. Your mentor should take care of your interests and to be quite older than you. Everyone wants to be evaluated, and even the busiest executives will find time to help a man who respects them and values their advice.

The level of success is determined by your environment. His biggest dream you can achieve only through other people.

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