Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Take Action!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain

You must act! Start somewhere, no matter where! Only the beginning, you start to get feedback that will help you better plan your course. Take Action!

Take action. Move! Your desire to start and move forward towards its goal without any guarantee of success is what distinguishes the winners from the losers.

Be clear about its purpose and be flexible with regard to its achievements. Be willing to change and new attempts. Keep your perception of an open, mobile and flexible. With a desire to obstacles and adjust its course.

Knowledge is an empty place without action, act, without fear of failure - they are part of the success, the lessons learned

Be consistent.

Limited objectives lead to a limited life. So, try to look as far as possible over the horizon, defining its goals. You need to decide what you want, because it - the only way to achieve the desired. In formulating its purpose, use the following five rules:

1. Choose only positive language for their purposes. So say what you want, not what we do not want. Too often, people have as their goal what they would like to avoid.

2. Be as specific as possible. What is your goal to look at, to touch, to smell? Engage all the senses to determine the desired result. Do not forget to set a specific deadline for its implementation.

3. Develop a procedure for certification result. You need to know how you feel and look that you feel that you will hear and see in the surrounding world, after you reach the desired result. You can win and feel like a loser if you do not monitor the account.

4. Keep everything under control. Your result should be initiated and maintained only by you. It should not depend on the willingness of other people Pomo ¬ levee you. Make sure that your result reflects only what you can influence yourself.

5. Check that your result was safe and desirable from an environmental point of view. Make design the future all the consequences of your goal. Your result should benefit both you and others.

Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.

You must take responsibility for implementing its objectives and begin to work tirelessly. In this paper, is the secret of the success of all successful people. Think of Thomas Edison, 10 thousand unsuccessful attempts led him to the miraculous discovery, Henry Ford, who created the car, and other famous people. None of them has achieved success while lying on the couch. The secret of success lies precisely in the work. Labor and only tedious and hard work led them to the goal. On the way they overcame the many obstacles that have helped them to create more and more completely open. And none of them was not afraid to revise. Let it successful people, they work much longer and harder than mediocre people. They relax a lot less, but it is true, much better. The secret of hard work in that it gives strength. Although they work more, much less tired. Why? Yes, because they see their purpose and live their vision. This gives them the strength to work and work on. Page vision perfectly reveals this theme. Man was created to work, out of laziness he was terribly tired, his soul stagnates from boredom. Look, all created with a purpose. Auto - in order to quickly move. Aircraft - in order to overcome the vast distances in a very short period of time. A man came to this earth, too, with a purpose. And look, if you put the car in the garage and forget about it, then after 2-3 years he will no longer be able to perform its functions. Similarly, aircraft, and any other object. The man also dies from boredom. He must work hard and strive towards their goal.

Working, count only on themselves, on their own strength. Do not rely on luck or other people. Luck will accompany you when you do not rely on it. Once you're waiting for it you will smile, you will be disappointed. Action themselves, manage reasonably others, and luck will be with you. Therefore, I wish you persistence and hard work to achieve their goals!

    * BE active rather than passive.
    * Make things happen rather than waiting and hoping for them to happen.
    * Be a master of change rather than as a victim of change.

* Harder you work, luckier you get
    * Excellent performance opens every door and is the key to your earning what you are really worth.

As soon as the action, you will feel a HUGE influx of energy and enthusiasm, provided that a worthy goal. This work provides the implementation of the desired strength, the work will intensify vision. Hard work - This is an important law of success. Success is achieved only by hard work. If you are not willing to work hard just accept the fact that you do not succeed, and live peacefully with the fact that you have. I never heard that someone accidentally achieved something significant simply by sitting on the ground. Little action is always better than a great intention.

You earn respect only by the action, inaction - earn disrespect. Nothing happens just because - you make it happen. You are created for the action. To succeed, you need just a good idea, and work for its implementation.

Prosperity - is that the universe gives to people after they work hard, overcome many obstacles in its way, than prove the hardness of their intentions and strong enough. To try to achieve success without hard work - as well as trying to harvest where you did not sow. What you believe does not really matter as long as you will not get to work. Set your mind on what you are going to work harder. Put in front of goal and then work as if failure is impossible. Work as if you can not lose.

When you work, you feel well. Decide to act, despite the obstacles encountered on the road. NOTHING stood not easy. HALF EFFORT MAKES HALF RESULTS. That does not work AT ALL no results. Performance, continuous and heavy - the only way to achieve results.

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