Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A defeat - part of success;

The only real failure in life is the failure to try.

Do not mistake only someone who does nothing. If you want to become successful - Increase the number of errors, increase the number of your action. Too often human nature to impatience and a desire to change everything in your life for one day, like in a fairy tale. But what would not want to make people - a dream to change everything at once and remains a dream, an empty hope for improvement.
Never be afraid of failure. Benefit from the lesions of failure is your friend. The failure of us feel and allows us to grow. It teaches us and corrects us, directs and makes stronger. The only thing that stands between a man and his dream is the fear of failure.

    We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.

    Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

    It is a mistake to suppose that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure has done.

We all from time to time fail and make mistakes. But, in fact, successful people make these errors much more than ordinary people. After the error - this experience is knowledge of how not to do. Think of Thomas Edison: he found 10000 ways that lightbulb will not work, and finally only one, as it will work. So on the way to success, you'll encounter more problems and failures than successes, but the important thing, as you'll see these problems. If you look at them in the right light, they are our teachers and assistants who will not allow us to stray from the path. If we do something wrong, we get the lesson and must return to the road. If we see failure as something bad, we try to avoid them so much that will stop working altogether. And then the success we just can not see. People who try to do something and fail, is infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and have success. It is always better to fail doing something different than anything in the making. Anyone who is not doing anything, never fail. People who have never made mistakes, have little victories. There is a saying: "The raw diamond is more valuable than bricks perfect shape.

If you want success, you have to first deal with failure. Failure prepares you to master successfully. Better to stumble than to miss a chance to get a new life lesson.

Each failure - it is hidden under the guise of a blessing, provided that it teaches us what man would not otherwise have learned. Most of the so-called failures - is just a temporary setback "

Errors have a hidden force that moves us forward and upward, but they can not help us when we start blaming other people in our failures. "No matter who you praise, but be careful when you censure someone" (Edmund Gosse). Take responsibility for the mistakes themselves, but never blame yourself. The prosecution acted very negatively.

Success is often not what people think about it. The success is closely linked to failures. The man who makes a lot of mistakes, usually gets success at higher levels of its activities. Most people think about success and failure as opposites, but both of these phenomena - it is the results of one process. Your season mistakes and failures - is the best time for sowing the seeds of your success. The biggest mistake you can make in life is constantly afraid to do something.

There is nothing wrong that you made a mistake. Error is part of life. It is necessary for development. Happiness is a result of right action. The correct action is the result of experience, and experience is the result of errors. However, it would be foolish to repeat the mistakes every day.

Failure - it's part of success. This is just another great opportunity to try again. And this time be more mudrym.Esli you fail, can not say that you're a bad person or a loser. You must draw conclusions from this and move forward. Often failure - it is a blessing. Wrap individual failures and the failure to perceive her life - a huge mistake.

Every failure is getting closer and closer closer to success. The main thing is not to stop, do not ask. The longer going to succeed, so it is closer. The road to success is the way to the mountain, the path is not simple. We must always overcome itself.

It is important to positive (with a positive attitude) refer to possible errors. This supports the motivation at the appropriate level, leads to work on their own shortcomings and weaknesses. Do not mistake only someone who does nothing. Despite the banality of this saying, many people panic fear of possible failure. The most common reason is in early childhood - too harsh and authoritarian parents, severely punished the slightest childish prank, and suppressed any initiative of the Child. Over the years, children's fear of parents can be transformed into the fear of punishment by their superiors. Especially if you come across the head "comes from childhood, very similar to the parents of childhood memories - the brutal and authoritarian. Constantly fearing making a mistake, such a person becomes passive, becomes creative initiative in their professional activities. At the same time really active people make more mistakes, but they are significantly more likely to succeed than a passive people. No coincidence that many foreign companies to reward their employees, even for those creative ideas that have "failed". Such an attitude among people with high motivation and desire to keep experimenting and thinking outside the box.

Mistakes and failures should not be scared; on them to work, because they are very useful as material for self-improvement and incentive to work.

1. Reflect and write down their statements, which express a positive attitude towards failures and mistakes and the prospect of overcoming them. These sayings you can use to support their motivation.

2. Carefully analyze the failure that you have experienced recently (or once had). Reflect on ways to overcome them. Determine what your skills and abilities are underdeveloped and in need of improvement. Think of the method to be used while working on the development of certain skills and abilities.

3. Create several variants of a slogan that would help you to respond positively to their own failures and mistakes. For example: "Error - this is wonderful! I now know, something to work.

Failures and mistakes - this is good science for someone who wants to develop. A lot of unsuccessful phone calls? This is not scary, because there is something to work.

Who seldom makes mistakes, seldom makes the opening

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