Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Use daily affirmations

Art is essentially the affirmation, the blessing, and the deification of existence
 Friedrich Nietzsche

Affirmations - a positive approval, giving the mood of happiness, success and inner harmony. They help to change our mindset and create a future to which we aspire. Saying affirmations is an effective way to achieve happiness, love, inner harmony, health and welfare.

Affirmations - is a conscious thought, that a person thinks deliberately in order to replace the already formed beliefs.
By and large, affirmations - this is nothing but a thought. You can repeat affirmations, or aloud or silently.
Affirmations - is the easiest and very powerful way to influence the subconscious mind. You can explore affirmations anywhere and anytime. Simply choose an affirmation that expresses your desires, and repeat it several times.

Affirmations work on the principle of substitution. At a certain point in time the mind can hold only a single thought, so are the affirmations is filling and retention in the mind of thoughts, which reinforce your desire.

The essence of affirmations is to surround yourself mentally positive thoughts that contribute to achieving the desired result.

If a particular thought for a long time kept in mind, it begins to cause emotions to intensify the work of the universe. Learn details about the law of attraction.
Affirmations are irrelevant to the situation of current affairs. They are based on the fact, what would you like to see the state of your affairs.

Emerson said: "We are becoming so, what we think all day long.

Use affirmations every day - this is the easiest way to change the desired situation for the better
In our brain sweeping 50-60tys. thoughts daily. Why only 1-5% have an influence on us, and the rest simply disappear in the stream? Because these 1-5% are regarded with emotions!

Now let's look at how to make affirmations.

Criteria of correct affirmations:
1. Affirmations should always talk about what you want, and not about what you do not want
            You get what you concentrate on anything!
      Affirmations must be in the affirmative form. Using the particle "no" prohibited. Negative affirmations on a subconscious level, there are quite the contrary, what we believe. If you want to get positive results, it is necessary to create positive images.
      Avoid use affirmations such phrases like:
          * Not
          * No
          * Never
          * Stopped
          * Rid
          * And others
   2. Affirmations should be formulated in the present tense
The brain does not understand the past and future. Your subconscious does not understand such words as "will", "soon", "tomorrow". It only understands what is happening with him right now. Depending on how you take a certain idea now depends on how quickly it is implemented. When you say your subconscious that you already have it immediately begin to implement this. When you talk about the future, the subconscious does not know when to initiate and whether you want to start at all.
   * I bought (a) a new house
  * I have a great haircut
  * I have a wonderful productive day
  * I have always and in all situations 100% sober
3. Affirmations should be specific
  Affirmations should be specific, because only the specific wording can cause strong emotions. The whole point is, that affirmations create emotions and emotions are stronger than they create, the better these affirmations will work for you.
4. Affirmations should be written using words indicating emotions
In order to make our affirmations even more, add to the emotional words of affirmation. In drawing affirmations to make sure that they cause us joy, excitement and enthusiasm. Any words that piques your emotions, also strongly affect your subconscious mind. The rules are simple: the stronger the emotion, the faster your belief will change.
That's the good word:
      - Stunning
      - Excellent
      - Stunning
      - Comfortable
      - With great joy
      - Easy
      - Pleasure
      - With admiration
      - Etc.
Affirmations, which reinforce your most important values of life, have an enormous effect.
Examples of emotional words in the affirmation:
  * I easily and with great pleasure that build their own business
   * 30 min. Every day I am very pleased to visualize its future
   * I am in awe and admiration attitude to his wife (husband)
   * I am happy to do exercises every morning
   * I love to think about promoting your own business
 5. Affirmations should be limited to you and of your affairs
  You can only make affirmations about themselves and their affairs. Affirmations that are aimed at improving the affairs anyone will not work. We can not do affirmations instead of someone else.
  If you want to help someone change, consider how you will change in the man and get your affirmations on these changes in yourself.

The secret of affirmations is to repeat them was easy and convenient.
It takes time to affirmations began to work. How much time it takes depends on how much you believe in its current affirmation.

Examples of affirmations, which you can use:

With each day comes to me more and more money

Every day my confidence grows

I am a genius and all, and I always apply his wisdom

Now I have more money than before

It is essential that all my wishes come true

Every day, my business is booming

I was surrounded by only positive, happy and successful people

The universe always leads me to my dreams most harmonious way

Everywhere and in everything I succeed

Every day, everywhere and in all my things are getting better

Every day I feel better and better

Every day, my income is growing, regardless I work or rest

The universe is me in my life the best and harmony through

I deserve happiness, excellent relationships in the family and wealth

I live amazing life and to bring in her only the best

Awesome ideas always come to me in time

Every day I start my with love and gratitude

I attract successful people who help me build my business

My world cares about me

Every day my life is getting better and better

With each day comes to me more and more money

Every day of my things are getting better and better in all respects

Every day I feel better and better

Every day I get better as a person

I deserve a wonderful life.

I deserve the very best in life.

I opened his arms wide world and declare him with love, that I deserve and accept all the best in him

All what I need, I always get! I now allow myself to earn good money.

Inexhaustible source of wisdom and is available to me. All that I need to know, starting at the right
time and in the right place. I will take the right decision.

I can show all your creativity!

Can I have a good income, I deserve a good income! I let my earnings to keep growing regardless of what they write and say the economists.

I do what I like.

Trusting higher intelligence to assist me in business, I'm going from success to success.

I trust the Supreme Mind to lead my business. I gladly accept this in mind as a partner in my business, I could easily devote their energy to work with the powerful Mind. From the Mind of the source of all creative ideas, all the answers, all decisions, all the healing, that make my work into a source of everlasting joy and allow me to achieve success in any business.

My choice - to move forward. I am open to everything new. I choose the path of knowledge and spiritual development.

I make the choice to remember that every problem can be solved. My current problem seems to me something temporary - it is not more than that for which I'm working.

I am a good person. I am open to all spiritual blessings, which only can give me the universe. I have full confidence in life and understanding it.

I am with anyone or anything is not comparable.

I came into this world to learn unconditional love for oneself and others.
I represent more than just my physical expression. Immeasurable part of me - this is the place where the focus is my strength.

We all - the unique, wonderful creation, not similar to each other. I'm sinking into myself and to communicate with the unique expression of the One Infinite Mind, which is our higher self.

Everything changes in the physical world, and moving in the flow of these changes, I stay connected with what is inside me and that is stronger and deeper than any changes.

I loved and desired child.

My parents love me.

My parents are proud of me.

My parents encouraged me.

I love myself.
I love my body.

My body likes to be healthy.

In my heart focused love.

In my blood is the life force.

Every cell of my body loved.

All my organs are working perfectly.

I was born then, to learn that the world is only love.

I'm starting to realize what I am a wonderful person. I love myself and am glad himself.

I - beautiful creation of God. He loves me endlessly, and I accept that love.

I am open and ready for a wonderful relationship based on love.

I always work with those who respect me and good pay.

I always excellent bosses.

I have a good relationship with all colleagues and we are working in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

At work I love.

Allegations of prosperity for the imagination:

I see the generosity of God, and I accept it.

I see my dream, and I carry out my dream.

What I see in my imagination, I can do here on earth.

I can reach the accuracy of what I dream.

I deserve the very best in life. I deserve a wonderful life.

I'm going from success to success.

My choice - to move forward. I'm open to everything new.

My mind is harmonious and full of noble thoughts.

I love and accept others as they are.

I know what I want, and confidently achieve their goals.

My thoughts are positive and constructive.

My goals are to success and excellence.

Health - the natural state of my body.

Love and joy light up my path.

All my plans are implemented.

I rejoice in the success of those around me.

I'm radiating joy and optimism.

My body is a holistic, healthy and beautiful.
I live in a harmonious world.

My love changes the world for the better.

I draw any obstacles into opportunities.

I love to bless my past, present and future.
My choice - to live in the present.

Every day, I become stronger.

I enjoy every moment of the day.

The current situation - is the key to the strength and happiness.

All events of my life have contributed to my personal growth.

I praise myself for all their achievements.

I regularly give the rest your body and your mind.

I greet each new day with deep gratitude.

I accept myself fully.

I am transformed by the renewing of the mind.

I build the friendly relations with all around me.

I feel naturally and harmoniously in an environment of abundance.

I feel great, physically and spiritually.

JOY - is my position in life. EVERYTHING I DO, I DO WITH

JOY and confidence.

I FORMED inner core strong belief PERSONALITY.

MY LIFE - is a unique chance, Trophy

MY WORLD - It's a miracle, love and dream

I enjoyed every minute of his life

I rejoice each new day, each new OPPORTUNITIES

I choose to live in THIS

I watched the best way to AIMS

I move to the goal EVERY DAY STEP BY STEP

MY LIFE beautiful and full of great opportunity

I am confident and step JOY OF LIFE

I forgive all, radiating LOVE

My World - good, kind, TENDER


So, we instill a correct ideas - and they treat our body. We are able to do to make myself, that we are smart, kind, happy, loved and rich. First of all, it involves a change of behavior. Affirmations first change our thinking and we start to behave more constructively, we become more confident, harmonious. As a result, our lives are changing for the better!

No matter what you want to do in life, self-talk can help you accomplish your dreams, goals, and desires. Believing in yourself is a strong component of moving forward into the life you really want and deserve. Positive self-talk can bring you this belief and instill within you the confidence to succeed.

Recognize and cultivate self-hypnosis. It is an indispensable tool for activism. It is important to use techniques used by athletes and public figures for their own improvement. If you want to have more enthusiasm, saying: "Today I have more enthusiasm, and I are the quality is improving daily in itself." Repeat this again and again. Buy a notebook and write in it this mantra 500 times. Do it regularly for three weeks - and you feel like you are developing in this trait. This strategy was used Indian sages thousands of years to help his spiritual and mental development. Do not despair if you do not get immediate results, they will be. Spoken word has great influence on the mind.

Autosuggestion is the only key to the world of the subconscious. In self-hypnosis is the secret of successful control of their lives. YOU CONSTANTLY BEEN autosuggestion, only you may not know about it. Your every word, which is addressed to itself, your every thought and attitude towards it is autosuggestion. What do you think about yourself? You feel good about yourself? These your thoughts about themselves are also autosuggestion. Thoughts, staying in the mind are transformed into emotions. And the emotions - is the source material for the subconscious. And the longer these emotions are in your mind, the more they take root there. All ideas, rooted in the subconscious, the real impact on your reality. The simplest example: if you do not like me - you act hesitantly, in any situation in doubt. Autosuggestion - is a powerful process (now you know why), but give it to chance, spontaneously and unconsciously moving through life, at least, not reasonable. You can choose what you think, so think of a couple of minutes about yourself with the best view. You are a unique person, this is not another on earth. YOU ARE THE STAR. Think for a moment only on their good qualities. What you get well? You have many excellent qualities. Focus on them.

Try every day, even for a small step closer to his dream.

What do you think about yourself that is a big difference in how you feel. You can avoid feeling down or upset, if you know what to say to yourself, and how to say. Even in difficult times you can find moments of joy and a blessing to talk about himself.

No matter what you want to do in life, self-talk will help you fulfill your dreams, goals and desires. Believing in yourself is an important component to move forward in life you really want and deserve. Positive self-talk can bring you the faith and instill in you the confidence to succeed.

Discover the beauty in your life

When you face serious challenges in his life, being miserable and speak negatively to yourself, nothing will change for the better. Instead, find joy in your continued positive worth.

Problems that may arise have absolutely nothing to do with your value as a human being. Remind yourself of your great value!

Positive self-talk is not about how unrealistic or lying to themselves. It is about seeing the beauty and value in themselves and others. Each of us is that we can give and we all have a purpose and reason for being here.

Use positive self-talk each day

How do you use positive self-talk? When it comes to say to ourselves, there are no specific rules. You can focus on something about you or your environment that positively.

Thus avoiding negative thoughts creep in. breach or things might not be going your way at any given moment, but there are more days ahead, and the fact that you are alive is something to be positive!

Here are some tips to help you get started with a positive self-talk to achieve a happy, fulfilled life:

1. Remember something else, how about you. Recall someone positive remark about you in the past. Even if you do not see the reason for the compliment, someone obviously. Use it in your interests to remind yourself of your great qualities and talents.

2. What do you like about yourself? Start small, if you prefer. You do not have to think and feel (or say) that you're perfect, but pick one thing that you like about yourself, or you can take of yourself and be happy with that.

3. Speak. Of course, you can feel a bit silly at first glance. You do not have to do it when someone else is around, but to speak aloud your statement when you can. So, you've heard good things about you too.

4. Allow time for your practice positive self-talk. If you do not put it in your schedule, you can easily forget about it or decide that you will receive in the future. Make it a priority, so it becomes part of your everyday life.

The benefits you get from a positive self-talk will depend on your commitment to him. If you practice it every day, it will become second nature to you. When other people are saying negative things, it will be less likely to take root in your mind, because you already filled with positive information about your values.

Regardless of what stage of life you are in, there is always room for more happiness. Even in the face of despair, there are opportunities for great joy and growth. Do not miss these opportunities because you do not see myself as a person. Instead, you can expect that better because of your positive self-talk.

Positive self-talk will help you rise higher in your career, family life, spiritual life, and any other area that has for you. Friends and relatives will notice your new-found confidence, and so will your employees, boss, and others. You just may find that a positive self-talk leads you to some amazing new features!

The fact that you say to yourself is more important than what you say to others. If you tell yourself that are tired, then you more tire. Internal dialogue forms the internal image. Internal image becomes self-prognosis. If your inner image of the fearless and brave and courageous and kind, then you'll be in their actions all the time try to conform to this image. It all depends on your inner vision of myself in the future. You have become in this vision.

Your mind can be a means and achieve prosperity, and vegetating in poverty.

Those words that you choose when you say, reflect how you were successful in their own minds.

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