Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Make a dream board

See things as you would have them
be instead of as they are.
 Robert Collier

Bulletin visualization - is a wonderful unique instrument for achieving the desired, based on the visualization of the life of your dreams. It has great value, because it allows to form clear and distinct, CL, and the eccentricity will be direct and focus-energy at your goal. This, in fact, a catalyst for the fulfillment of dreams, including your internal resources, in practice very similar to an order from a catalog.

You need a lot of old newspapers, magazines, or color advertising directories. Browse through them and cut you liked the pictures and the titles of articles and advertising slogans. Lay liked picture in front of him, take a blank sheet of drawing paper and create a collage - an illustration of their dreams. You simply create a composition of those images that are trying to drive in his life, these images can comment on pasting! The best slogans. Arrangement of your creation can be arbitrary, but it is better if the most important thing for you to be in the center, and minor details at the edges. to enhance the effect can be placed in the center of your picture.

With a clear desire in your mind, find the exact pictures which portray your desire. If you want a house near the water, find photos depicting your ideal home. If you wish to start their own business, find photographs that embody this idea for you.

Sometimes we can be difficult to realize his desire. Bulletin dream - an opportunity to unleash your subconscious and express our dream just as an image. We left, logical hemisphere is almost no part in this process is working right - who think in images and associations. This hemisphere can activate all the resources of our subconscious and build a road to our dream.

Put it where nobody will see, but that you can see it every day. As in other cases, even passing and catching her peripheral vision, you will feel the undeniable positive effects.

Photos can be placed in a chaotic manner as the board may be divided into the conditioned zone. Rest area, my home, my business, health, relationships, etc.

It is useful to each picture write the desired date of implementation of this dream.

Gradually, the information appears, you'll meet the right people, and all dreamed will come true.

Do not show and did not tell me about your board visualization for all. Take care and love their dreams.

You can create a separate board for each direction of your life: health, business, relationships.

Enjoy the process. When you find the photos you want, cut and glue them, you'll always get a huge charge of positive emotions. And how, nevertheless, it is nice to look at his creation! Inside the wave of rising confidence in the reality of achieving all conceived. Improves mood and a desire, in this very moment to do anything in the name of their dreams.

Our brain thinks in images and can not distinguish reality from unreality.

Chosen target visualized and quietly go to meet her, following the intuition and taking invisible help. Thank the Universe, enjoy your life, getting in the way a lot of knowledge, priceless friends and precious experience. And you will be stunned by the results!

Bring first dream in his imagination. Then implement it!

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