Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Use your time wisely

Life is all about timing ... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable ... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out It's all about timing.

 Stacey Charter

Learn to manage time. Then you begin to control life. All people 24 hours a day. That all equal. People are distinguished only how they use time. Planning time will allow you to balance your life. If you do not plan your time is going to do that quickly and then what you like, and this leads to imbalance and unfortunately. Do not let others steal your time. We must be ruthless to their own time, to learn to say no secondary.

For successful people being treated differently. Successful people rise to the top of their increase in employment, their reward for outstanding achievements, they travel to distant lands, they are treated differently from ordinary people, envy them around.
Some believe that the success - is when the luck, or just you appeared at the right time and place. What these people know about yourself and about life? Let's look at how success comes.

The key to successful management of their time to do what you have planned, when do you have planned. Only in this way you will achieve all its goals and will have the time to the most important things. Be flexible, because a taut bow will be broken soon, but remember: in order to follow their planned schedule, you just need discipline.

Learn how to organize their time. If you carefully allocate their time and live on a clear timetable, it does not mean that you become inflexible man. Rather, proper organization allows you to achieve important goals, while enjoying free time. Good organization frees up more time to rest. You turn on vacation in a week's plan, as well as other matters that may seem more urgent. Nothing is sacrificed. Work out in his discipline and stop wasting time on all urgent, but not very important things (such as phone calls), and concentrate on what really matters to your life mission. Such activities include time for self-renewal and reflection, building strong relationships based on trust and mutual respect, time for exercise, time for reading and deep reflection and time to serve others.

Learn how to organize time around the main priorities of your life.

 Effective time management makes you more flexible. It allows you to do what you really want to do rather than what you have to do.

The only time what you ever will have, now, now. What are you doing at the moment, and determine your future. If every day and every hour of your life you live, it's best for the rest of your life will take care of itself. As the Bible says: "Do not worry about the day to come, he take care of itself."

Learn how to manage your time. In the week approximately 168 hours. This is sufficient to achieve the desired goals. Strictly divide their time. Highlight a few minutes each morning to plan your day. Plan according to their priorities and concentrate not only on the urgent, but not major problems (for example, numerous phone calls), but particularly those that are important, though not urgent, because that is what they are and develop your personality and a professional. Important and urgent cases - these are the things that provide important long-term results and include strategic planning, develop relationships and professional education. Never let the most important things relegated to the background compared with those who are least important to you.

This is one source of happiness: achieving goals, whether personal, professional or any other purpose. You experience the greatest happiness when you feel your growth. When you feel that the benefit and on track to achieve your dreams, you notice that you have boundless energy and vitality. Time spent on activities that do not give great rewards, except for passing feelings of relaxation, it is forever lost time. Relaxation is necessary, but choose the most effective ways to upgrade and spend time in productive activities, which will gradually push you to excellence. Happiness comes from action rather than from sleep.

The time taken from a hard working and family schedule, to achieve personal growth, will never be wasted. Some people believe that the hour spent the morning out to watch the children playing in a nearby park or a walk, lost in vain. But devoting more time to the simple joys of life and thus bringing the balance in your day, you make the remaining time more productive and efficient. Unable to do good deeds, if you feel unwell. When you are calm, relaxed and enthusiastic, you have higher productivity, you are more dynamic and to think creatively. This has been proved time and yet we are constantly entangled in a web of seemingly urgent cases and do not see the forest for the trees.

Buy a pocket diary, which can be an excellent tool for the orderly scheduling of their appointments, and records of your business.

The principles of time management are known and applied prosperous people throughout history, in all organizations and in all spheres of activity. These are fundamental laws of control life. They are undeniable and unchangeable. And they allow you to achieve great success.

 Do not let little things distract you from important things. Ask yourself: "Do I use my time and energy best?" Time management - is the management of life, so treat your time with great care.

"Your time is limited, do not waste it living a different life. Do not get caught on the hook doctrine, which exists in the thinking of other people. Do not let others opinions drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. All the rest - is secondary. "

Being all things to all people - this is crazy, unrealistic goal. Impossible. Learn how, when and to whom to say "no" - it is not self-restraint. It is a solid expression of ideas about what needs to conduct its business to success and most successful way. Not to mention the fact that it helps your staff to rise to the level of personal responsibility for their own success.

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