Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Plan your time

For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.
Benjamin Franklin

Planning activities - another secret of successful people!

Now let's think about WHY PLANNING IS REALLY the most powerful tool SELF-ORGANIZATION?

1. The planning is the card of the day
In order to win at least 1 hour of productive time. Every minute spent on planning, saving 10 minutes of execution, that is, gives 1000% return on investment of mental, emotional and physical energy.
To schedule a job the next day, requires 10-12 minutes. This small investment of 10-12 minutes will save you 100-120 minutes of execution, allowing an increase in productive time of two hours per day, ie 25% increase your daily productivity from the day when you start to plan their working day in advance. In a month it turns 2000-2400 minutes, which is 4-5 full working days!

2. The planning sets priorities
The list of priorities is helping to organize time so as to achieve their goals.

3. The process of planning to program our minds.
When you clearly formulate their desires, they are true. The planning process helps us to understand clearly for ourselves what we want and are striving for. This leads to the fact that the universe is faster to realize our desires.

Some list items must be repeated many times, day after day, until, finally, will not disappear from it.
Each evening list all the cases that you need to do the next day, in the order in which they will do. The next day, start to deal with the case number 1 and do some for as long as you're finished. Before finishing it, do not go to the case number 2. To do so with the whole list, it does not proceed to the next case, not following the previous one. End case is allowed only in one case: if you finish it prevented circumstances beyond your control. In this case, do anything that will help you accomplish this task. Do everything you can to finish the unfinished business - and then move on to the next.

Planning Methods

1. Planning for beginners

For the very simple planning you can simply have a piece of paper and a pen. On paper, write your goals and plans for the next day. And in the course of execution made by the delete case. This method is very simple and quite effective. This method allows you to see and plan for your life by only 1 day in advance, which is already a big plus, because 80% of people do not even do that.

2. Improved Scheduling

To improve planning, we need

1. Diary

2. Daily notebook

3. Planning Calendar

Diary - is a place where going all the good information and wise thoughts that you may find the path of life. Good ideas can be expressed by almost anyone. Great idea may dawn on you in a different time, so be prepared and do not allow good ideas elude YOU. Great idea can change your life - if you catch it. Keep a diary for myself, regardless of where you are.
Daily notebook - is a journal to record your meetings and plans for each day. Your diary can also be used as a place for fixing the main points of the day or week. It has enough space to record important fleeting thoughts and make other notes. Consider it a central place from which you derive and process all information for the day. Every night you must schedule the next day: make a list of things you must do tomorrow. The rules are simple: DO NOT START THE NEXT DAY until then, is not yet finished its planning. This is an invaluable piece of the strategy of your life in the way of attaining happiness and wealth. If you do not plan your day in the evening, it is considered that 2 hours of time, in the best case, you lose immediately. In the worst case lose the whole day, and completely. People do not see the priorities and doing things not important. At the end of the day is that, as if the whole day doing something, and it never did.

1. Make your life organized, a detailed list of everything that you have to do tomorrow.

2. Carefully consider your list and set clear priorities for each item before you begin to act.

3. Used to be only the most important matters. Follow them quickly and well. If you develop the habit to plan and prioritize, your productivity will increase significantly, with beneficial effects on your career.

What is planning for planning purposes and to plan more than the next day. When you have mastered the art of planning the day, you are ready to move on to the planning of the week. Rule following: DO
NOT START THIS WEEK Until then, is not yet finished its planning.

Then get down to planning for months. Ask yourself: "What should I do for this month?" Rule the same thing: DO NOT START NEXT MONTH until then, is not yet finished its planning.
Then you learn how to coordinate your goals for the day, week and month with your goals for three months, six months and one year. I absolutely agree with you, the planning process creates tension and takes very little time, but I assure you that planning your life, you will achieve much more. All your actions will be much more effective and meaningful. They will get an extraordinary clarity. You will be required to demonstrate a high discipline. But if you do this, then you can be called a master of his time. The very act of planning helps clear and accurate reflection on you of their actions. The more you think about something, and plan their actions, the faster and more efficiently you will reach your goal.

Regular planning time would give more time to activities of greatest value. This will improve the efficiency of your work, whatever you may be doing.

The advantage of the calendar planning is that you can plan a complete vision of his life, shaping and writing in the calendar list their goals for 5, 10, 20 years ahead.

Your success depends on the quality of your time. We all want to release more time to enjoy fine things in life. You spend most of their time at work? Most will answer this question positively. Do you have enough time to hold it with your family and people you love? Living with the quality of the time, and without regrets, is an important aspect of your success.

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