Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be generous!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.

 Albert Pine

Make service to others important to your life. This is the most noble investment of time. Remember: the end of your life, when all is said and done, the quality of your life determine the quality of your contribution to the lives of others. Leave a rich legacy of those around you.

Get used more to give than to take

Our life - is a moment in eternity. We are just a little sparkle on the stage of the universe. Since we can not take nothing with you when leaving, the true meaning of our existence - to serve others. Remember this. When you wake up in the morning, repeat the mantra: "I will serve others today, I'll take care of others, I will be kind to others." If you relentlessly pursue the goal to help others and less worry about their own achievements, you will be rewarded.

They say that doing something for others - the highest form of religion. Every week from 168 hours to select the number of hours in service to others. Many say that such selfless service soon becomes central to their lives. Devote their time to work in a nursing home or with children from poor families. Teach someone to read or offer a public lecture on the topic, which you own. Proceed to leave a good memory.

The most effective way to become a wealthy man - is find a way to ensure the material of others.

Hand over your due from you with good feelings, with joy and gratitude.

To get what you want, be willing to give what you have.

You get what you give.

Unselfishly, without asking for gratitude, to provide assistance to those who need it.

 When you do something nice for another person, it raises your own self-esteem and makes you feel better about yourself. This heightened feeling of positive energy activates your powers of attraction. You become a more powerful magnet for people and circumstances consistent with your goals. Good things start to happen to you.

Give your smile, your happiness and your kind words to the other person and see the miracle!

Giving you grow spiritually

In the entire history of mankind has never had such great opportunities, as now, for someone who is ready to serve, before you reap the

Try to help people. That you voznesesh his life to the heights. The more you'll give yourself to people, the better it will feel. This is the path to inner tranquility and outer challenges.

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