Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Develop leadership skills

If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams

Set a goal to develop in a dynamic, charismatic personality. This can make each of us, but few do. Kennedy was ill in his youth, but managed to overcome their physical problems and become the most attractive and charismatic political leader in U.S. history. Start with small things. Listen to the Dale Carnegie course on public speaking. Go to the library and look for books about the art of conversation and personal improvement. Learn the three witty and decent jokes and talk with many people. You will enjoy and build a strong circle of friends and partners.

Never complain. Let you know as a positive, strong, energetic and enthusiastic personality. Anyone who complains, is always cynical and around looking for negative. Such a person tends to scare people, and rarely succeeds. From a purely psychological point of view, everything is created twice: first in his mind, and then in reality. Focus on the positive. Be strong in spirit, so that nothing could turn you on the planned path to success. Imagine what you want, and firmly believe in it. It will happen.

Flexibility - a key quality of brilliant entrepreneurs. They never inflexible or looped through any given case or action. They are always with the desire to consider the possibility that may be wrong, as well as alternative ways to achieve their goal. The success or failure determines not what you have, and what you do with what you have. Your ability to react and adapt to life circumstances is the true measure of who you are and what you most likely will achieve.

Cultivate in yourself that elusive quality we call charisma. Here the quality of the charismatic leader:

Be committed to what you are doing

Looks a winner and act like a winner

Have big dreams, vision and strive for the stars

Persevere to achieve their goals

Get ready for any task and work hard on its implementation

Interested in other people and be kind

Have a good sense of humor

Be aware of the power of his character

Behave nicely in stressful situations. (John Kennedy said that "the elusive half-step, separating the middle manager from a real leader - a graceful behavior in stressful situations")

Be known as a person who works more than others. As someone who takes on more tasks and executes them with success. Be someone who always cares about others, primarily for members of their families. Stands out, combining the personal and professional excellence. Be the star that shines brightly, admiring other people.

Each day, doing two things that you do not like to do. This may be the preparation of the report that you put off, or cleaning shoes. Let it be a small matter, just do it! Soon, these duties will no longer seem so onerous, the strength of your character will be strengthened, and with it, and your performance. Try this ancient technique to strengthen your character.

Be kind, attentive and polite. Be as shrewd and know when to be tough and manly. This is a sign of a well-formed character, and you will definitely command respect. Very useful to read books, which deal with how to strengthen the friendly relations: Be an attentive listener, give the people are respected and sharpen other interpersonal skills. But to achieve this success, you need to understand that worldly wisdom and insight - is the most important features that need to educate yourself.

Become an expert on the psychology of personality and learn identifies human nature. Do not allow yourself to use and realize that going on around you. Do not lower yourself to petty gossip and intra squabbles, but they understand that they really exist, and know what is happening behind your back. That is how every great leader.

The leader - a man who leads the people.
Leadership begins with the ability to control himself, first and foremost our thoughts and emotions. After all, as you know, from your thoughts and emotions depends on your whole life. Before you can manage and lead other people, you must first learn to do that the only man whom you see every day in the mirror. He also needs a leader. This is the first and most important step in leadership. Then you pass the practice: you are and manager, and performing. If you are capable enough to manage wisely, to keep performing in a positive and joyful mood, you can manage and a large number of people.

Leader - is not a manipulator, a leader - a motivator. His actions are based and focused on the welfare of others. Of course, we will not hide the fact that everyone in first thing they think solely about themselves. If someone says differently, you know that he is lying, and perhaps even unintentionally and unknowingly, sincerely believing that he cares more about others. Why does the leader is able to take good care of other people, so it is only because he clearly cares about himself and he is still the energy and strength to give her the benefit of others. It's like money: when you earn enough to live in clover itself, you are able to give their money to the benefit of others. But when you do not have enough even for ourselves, it is about others and can be no question. Because the leader - is first and foremost a man who perfectly manages his life. He has a free energy in excess, it beats out his key, and it is through a strong and stable energy he is able to lead people.

Under the free energy we mean the creative energy that people use for creation. Most lack the energy to maintain the current level, some even on this is not enough, and then their quality of life deteriorates. And only a few of this energy is enough to ensure that, in addition to maintaining the existing level, create more and the future. Free energy - it is like free money, which you can dispose of, after all bills paid. By the way, the amount of energy and money are directly proportional.

The leaders are usually people with high levels of energy. The leader is not trying to be a leader, he is not seeking it. Leaders who have achieved leadership, not real. Leaders who seek leadership experience primarily self-doubt, they want to show how much they are important in this world, and therefore tend to obey other people and manage them solely for the purpose of raising their own self-esteem. They become the leaders, only to satisfy his own ego. The true leaders become leaders of the choice of other people. They do not aspire to leadership, just other people feel a strong personality that can take care of them, and are attracted to them. People do not have enough free energy to do great things, and when they see the person from whom it emanates positive energy in abundance, people try to approach him and take at least a piece of it. Most will never regret giving energy, because the more they give, the more comes to them, the stronger they become.

They give unconsciously. Leaders know who they really are, and it is hard to shake in their beliefs about themselves. Remember that the first step to leadership is to manage the man in the mirror. If they do an excellent job with this, then other people can not change anything.

Leaders have a deep confidence in themselves. This confidence is the core of their attitude and approach to life and to others. Confidence enables them to take themselves such as they are. The confidence seemed to form a protective layer between them and the world that allows leaders to move through life more confidently. In our world, working principle of 80/20, ie 80% of people negative, and must have high self-confidence that will not pay any attention to the negative surprise and recriminations in his address, which increasingly are not fair. This deep conviction is based primarily on the confidence in the future. Man is able to effectively manage their lives just as quiet. When you are experiencing, negative emotions begin to poison the mind, and as a consequence, you are making the wrong decision. Man who is confident in its future, it is impossible to shake. This allows the mind to calm the soul of thinking is crystal clean and make the right decisions. You know the saying "Dogs bark but the caravan goes on"? Likewise, leaders, small potatoes trying to desecrate, to offend, but the leaders know who they are, and only smiled in response.
How to become a leader?

5 Steps to Leadership

1. Find a good reason

Answer yourself honestly to the question: "Why I want to become a leader?" Try to clarify this issue in his mind, as clearly as possible. The more you understand why you need to be a leader, the better you will become a leader.

As a leader I:
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
10. __________________


- May lead you to bring moral satisfaction,

- Perhaps, as a leader, you will significantly raise their level of income and be able to provide yourself and your family a good lifestyle

- Perhaps you feel that leadership - it's your calling,

- Maybe you want to help other people, maybe you just want to manage

- Perhaps it's just a step on the path to the next achievement.

Perhaps you feel that you must become a leader, and in my heart is burning burning desire. But remember, without the unity of mind and soul, you will not achieve significant results. The soul feels, and her emotions enough. But the mind thinks, and he needs facts. Explain your reason why you become a leader. Once he understands the logic, please explain it logically, and he is 100% will support you in your decision. Write down the answers on paper.

On paper, you will be able to articulate more clearly the causes, rather than in the mind. You can not do, but then do not wonder why you can not become a leader. Reasons such as "it will improve my lifestyle" did not fit. NEED CLARITY AND ACCURACY. The mind understands the numbers. Be on the maximum concrete, as well as in the store, when it comes to food. You always clearly know what you want. Then do the same the same order in store Universe

So, you have determined what you want to become a leader. Causes of clear and specific. The next step - is to be ready to act and be ready to become a leader. This is the intention. More details about the intention you can learn intention.

Be prepared to act - this means to realize that a leader can only be hard work. Lying on the couch, you will not be a leader. If the reasons are sufficiently strong, you still find the strength to act. Be prepared to act - then perform the work that needs to execute, despite the fact that you do not want, or do not have the mood. Be prepared to act means to act now! If you are ready to begin tomorrow - you've already lost. Tomorrow means never. In the dictionary the word is not the leader of tomorrow. He has only now.

Be prepared to become a leader - it means to assume full responsibility for their actions, the responsibility for their own lives, the responsibility for the lives of others, which will affect your actions. Be prepared to become a leader - it means not only think about myself. You must start thinking like a true leader.

The desire to learn - this is the most important quality of a leader. Any knowledge that you do not have enough to be an effective leader, you can find in books, the Internet. You can develop in himself all the qualities that are necessary, but you must be willing to learn. Learn - then progressively and continuously acquire knowledge in a particular area. You know this observation: "Who has the information that controls the world"? Look for the necessary knowledge. Invest in knowledge of time and money. They will pay 100%. You probably want to be a leader in a particular area. You should explore this area thoroughly, own information. Make it a habit to invest $ 1 an hour on weekdays and 2 hours on weekends in their education. It can be as private education and technical education in a particular area. The starting point for leadership is the desire to learn! If you do not, or you think you already know it all, sorry, you and a successful way.

Since the role of a leader lies in the effective management and coordination - it is very important to be able to find common language with people.

Leaders must be real team players. They should lead the team game and be in the center of this game, instead of hiding behind his back and specify who should do what. An important quality of a leader - it is modesty. He must take full responsibility for the mistakes for themselves and solve them, but for all the successes of public praise of other people, that is, to act as if he was not involved in the success, and that's it - the merit of his team.

Errors need to meet with courage, and do everything to avoid them in future. Effective leaders are able to accept mistakes, as they are, and turn them into a blessed gift, making a lot of conclusions from the situation. In this case, errors play a positive role.

So how do you deal with mistakes and difficulties, is a key factor in leadership. The first and important condition for the reaction to the error should be a positive reaction.

Take your mistakes and remember that the leaders - are people too, they have every right to make mistakes.
The leaders are not born, leaders are. To develop leadership qualities needed to determine suitable for human environment. A person can be a leader in one environment, but to be a follower in another.

Leadership - is a matter of choice. The leader - a man who can take care not only about themselves. An effective leader achieves its goals in helping others achieve their goals. It operates on the principle of "you will attain in the life of what you want, if you shall help other people achieve what they want." This is the philosophy of leadership. He realizes its goal indirectly.

Leaders always do more than all the rest.
People can be tremendous leaders in one area, and to be followers in another area. This is normal.
The leader helps others achieve their goals, thereby achieving its own.

Leadership begins within you. Leadership is also about the ability to manage their own lives. Skills that are inherent in leaders, namely the ability to make a decision, the ability to plan, coordinate actions, hard work, responsibility, vision and others, you can use in their own lives. You can be a leader, not managing other people. For example, you can be a leader and create a great business on the Internet, and for this you do not need other people. You just need you to be a leader, so you can effectively manage the man whom you see every day in the mirror. Leadership should be in the family. In family leadership is to understand their children, their half. At work, even if you perform the most routine work, leadership is carrying out this work well. Leadership is the dedication to their work.

Leadership - it is not a destination, leadership - this way. Leadership - it is not something that you are given in a beautiful package, leadership - it is hard work especially at themselves. Leadership - is the process of improving itself and its qualities.

Leaders have the ability to create in his mind a favorable image. Most instilled a capacity that allows you to see all the events in the world, in which they actually are. Leaders consider the problems as they really are, and the possibilities they see exaggerated.

Most do not use the word "problem". This word brings to mind a negative image, which attracts more negative situations. They deleted the word "problem" from your vocabulary. Instead, leaders use the word "situation".

Leaders are closely monitoring the use of words, which cause negative images. The mind thinks in images and words - it is only a means to transfer that image to another person. Words can not convey precisely that image, which arose in the mind.

As thought leaders:

1. Most use only positive images, because they know that the mind perceives the images and try to create a picture, stimulating work. In the dark or alarming state can not be achieved effectively.

2. Leaders are aware of the problem and try to submit such a way that the problem quite simple. If the tiger to reduce the size of a cat, he will not at all frightening. Usually, people exaggerate the complexity of the problem, which leads to the real complexity.

3. Most smiling. Try to smile and at the same time to think about anything bad. You will not succeed. Or lost the smile, or change to positive thoughts. The other is not given.

4. Leaders may seem serious, but at heart they are not serious. Do not be serious. Dramatically increases the importance and increases the size of the problem. Smile, by contrast, discharges the environment, reduces the importance, resulting in a situation easily resolved. The importance of blocks of thinking. The more important task, the more experience. In the state of emotions is very difficult to adequately respond to problems and solve them properly. Leaders understand this and therefore try to reduce the seriousness of his subordinates.

5. Most use large images. They create a great vision and has big plans instead of small and useless. Large images can motivate people is much stronger than small.

6. Instead of watching how far to go, leaders look at how much has already passed. This applies to the objectives. The leaders know this and are trying to show people they are, as many have already done work.

7. Leaders look at what the case may be in the future, and not what they are now. Every businessman who began his work, sees it in its full flowering period, and for that he is working and ready to go through all the difficulties. The fact that there are now - is just a transition phase towards the goal. Your real life happens in your consciousness, and reality - is only a reflection of events of consciousness.

8. Leaders have a positive attitude to all the events taking place. Leaders see every situation in a favorable light, even if they do so they are not. Each situation carries with it the seeds of the next victory. Our life - is a sequence of elections. Responding positively, you will transform the negative situations into positive ones.

Enter into the spirit of the great leaders. Learn from them, read their biographies and books. This is a powerful charge of energy. Examples of their lives will inspire you and make the move forward. The leader is a person who has learned to turn dreams into reality.

Leaders choose a goal and wholly devote myself to achieving this goal. They are not sprayed. It shall be the total concentration of effort. Everything in their lives is subordinated to their goal.

1 comment:

  1. Really a nice teachable blog to share. Blog provide information about develop leadership skills and trained in very well manner. Thanks
