Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be prepared to overcome obstacles

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.

 Frank A. Clark

Obstacles are necessary to the success, because victory comes only after a stubborn battle and countless defeats. Every battle, every failure creates your skills and abilities, your courage and your endurance, your strength and your confidence

Think of all the obstacles as challenges that you are destined to overcome. You will encounter obstacles, so expect them, but also expect that you will overcome them, anyway.

Use the obstacles to develop their strength and skills, do not run away. Find a way to overcome them! Path is always! If your emotions are acting against your desire, embrace them, learn about their emotions, find themselves, but still continue to move forward. Make your goal your commitment, and everything will happen.

Overcoming challenges, rather than surrender - that is what has made people rich. Look at the challenges everywhere. So you have to get used to them. You will be able to get to where you want to go, only if you are ready to meet the challenges on the road. All calls - it is successful opportunities dressed in work clothes, remember this. Once you get through the challenge, you'll see that fruit, which he keeps in himself.

Obstacles - this is the means necessary for transformation in your personality that you need to be to achieve the desired.

Parable of the well

Once the donkey fell into the well and began yelling loudly, calling for help. At his cries ran master donkey and threw up his hands --
in fact pull the donkey from the well was impossible.

Then the owner reasoned thus: "My ass is old, and he remained a short time, but I still wanted to buy a new colt. This
well is quite dry, and I have long wanted him to fall asleep and dig a new one. So why would not immediately kill two birds with one stone - throw dust
I'm moving the old well, and donkey at the same time bury ".

Without thinking, he invited his neighbors - all together took up shovels and began to throw the earth into a well. Donkey immediately realized
what's what and began to cry loudly, but people do not pay attention to his cries and silently continued to throw the earth into a well.

However, very soon, the donkey stopped. When the owner looked into the well, he saw the following picture - every piece of land, which
fell on the donkey's back, he shook and crush feet. After some time, to everyone's surprise, the donkey was at the top and jumped out of the well! So ...

... Perhaps in your life has been all sorts of trouble, and in the future, life will send you more and more. And every time
when you drop the next room, remember that you can shake it, and precisely because of this someone, climb a little higher.
Thus, you will gradually be able to get out of the deepest wells.

Every problem - it is the stone that life throws at you, but stepping on these stones, you can go bobble.

Challenges - this is the same life situations, like many others, we just are not ready for them or did not expect such a development. Any success is built on the errors. Believe me, from all points of view, the problem - it is a blessing. Problems - it heralds. They always bring gifts. The larger problem, the more valuable gift. If you are bogged down in problems, it is difficult to see, but if you remember the most difficult times of my life, you'll realize that these gifts were really beautiful.

Solving the problem, we succeed. Once you understand that the problem always brings something positive, then, even if you are really hard, you will find yourself on the path to happiness and success. Of course, if you do not run away and not lose heart. Challenges - this is the greatest blessing. They force us to change what you want to change. They hone our abilities and skills. They always bring wonderful gifts, but to find them, sometimes it takes time.

Your actions and thoughts, mostly to manage emotions. Emotions - the very first to react negatively to the problem. After we leave the comfort zone.

Try to be calm at moments when the only problem occurred. This is the most important period. From your initial reaction will depend on developments in the future. Strong negative reaction to very quickly launch the law of attraction, and within a few hours you happen to have many little negative developments that have further put you out of yourself, then what can really create a severe problem. In the initial period of the main rule: do not aggravate the problem even more. Usually, the first problem is not critical, and it is our negative reaction forces us to respond quickly, not take informed decisions, which leads to the really serious problem. Because this period is important to perceive the problem began quietly. Everything can be easily corrected. It is important to be able to come to his senses. Then you notice how these problems over time will decide. You try to do to address them all, what you can, and hold your negative emotions, so as not to attract even more negative events.

If the problem is too much knocked you off track, it is best not to take any action to address the problem, but to wait an hour or two until you come to his senses. It is important to digress, to look at the problem from another point of view. Wait until the moment when the emotions die down, because they do not allow us to think clearly and to see a picture in real terms.

1. Learn to realize that the problem - this is normal life situations and there is nothing wrong with that. Badly we are doing them yourself, reacting negatively.

2. Realize that only through a problem, you can reach your goals.

3. Finally, understand that the problems are gifts from God.

4. Anchor the first 3 in the subconscious mind with autosuggestion.

And only then will you encounter the problem calmly, because they do not estrange you from the goal, but rather approximate. When your subconscious mind will absorb the principles that it presents problems, then your emotions will change upon the occurrence of problems.

Life is not a uniformly moving forward and upward, and a sine curve. Understand that no problems will not be successful, as well as without the winter would not be summer without nights - the day. In nature everything has its opposite. So, think of your success with joy and be thankful, but be prepared that he may be replaced by a failure, with a very short period of time. During the same failures, quietly pass them, and know that soon all will end, winter is replaced in the summer. This is only temporary event.
After the winter, nature seemed alive, all becomes cheerful tone. From the man is the same: after the problems he goes much stronger, with great experience, using which it can achieve even greater success. This is the sweet fruit of the problems they bring with them.

One component of success - is once again stand up after you fall. The circumstances govern the weak, and they are also the tools for the wise. Do not let your problems to govern you. You have to manage them. The problem that you encounter - it's just an opportunity for you to do something better or go back and start more correctly.

If you do something, you'll have problems. Just do not concentrate on the failures, draw conclusions and forget about failures, think about the awards, which are waiting for you, about the time when you reach your goal. Errors themselves - this is normal life situations. You do not kill bugs, and your relationship to them and how you deal with them. Success is a greater number of errors than the correct steps. Because, if you plan to be successful, learn how to respond to them appropriately.

Success is built on the mistakes and tackle a host of stubborn problems. Always, when you fall, you fall forward towards the goal. Do not focus on the negative more than positive things, do not stay lying in a puddle. In a pool you do not shine wealth, but poverty.

Never forget that when you come to a result which is not expected, do not feel disappointed, because when one door closes, another always opens.
Do not be afraid of pain, the pain of a wonderful teacher she is an incentive to move forward. To further overcome its first have to feel it. If there would be no pain, I would not be where I am.

Treat crisis not as a threat but as an opportunity. Remember that there are no errors, there are only lessons. Negative experiences there, there are opportunities for growth.

Salute the obstacles and difficulties as a valuable and inevitable steps on the ladder of success. Remember that difficulties come not in order to obstruct, but to suggest in every difficulty or obstacle lies the seed of equal or greater capabilities or benefits. Your task is to find him.

When you look at any great achievement, you find that it is a consequence of the many difficulties and lessons learned. Difficulties - this is the price you pay for your success, and lessons learned is what makes it possible your achievements. As Seneca wrote: "Fire tries gold, misery tries brave men"

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