Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Diary of Success

The Diary of Success

Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
 Arnold H. Glasgow

Some time ago in one of the European towns lived a wise man, an influential businessman. For the distinguished, world-famous sage people came from distant countries to communicate with him and gain wisdom.
He grew up in poverty and very early began an independent life. As a teenager, forced to get up at 4 am to milk a cow parents, he managed to enter the teacher training college and get a good education. Sage was not an easy path. He left high school without obtaining a certificate, and for several years worked at unskilled jobs, but in spite of all difficulties, the man was able to make your life a masterpiece.
Entrepreneur has lived a happy, long life, helping people. All your state sage gave to charities. He lived by certain principles of success. At age 101, he died, leaving behind a diary, which recorded all his thoughts, ideas derived from their own observations and in the communication process with great people who have achieved incredible success.

It's your natural right to be Successful

To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Success - is a harmony between the soul and mind. The role of reason is to help the soul to fulfill your potential. The Bible says: "Gather of wealth in heaven, not earth. Our body - is a vehicle for the soul. The soul is connected with the Universal Mind, and only she can understand that the need for this world. Universe helps people who go their own way. His path of least energy-intensive, and in our world all flows through the minimum resistance. Success - is a normal course of events. Failure - a deviation from the norm.

  Success is not something that only a select few can achieve. Everyone can be successful in all areas of their lives. Success comes as a result of the formation of certain habits. With practice, anyone can become a successful person. A successful person thinks in a certain sense, the negotiations in a certain way, and act in a certain sense. Anyone who consistently applies these principles in any area of life will be successful.

The success is inextricably linked with the state of the soul. Our soul came into this world to gain pleasure and to fulfill themselves, and we (our mind, our body, our consciousness) must support her in this. When our soul creates and implements themselves, we feel happy. When we feel and see that the creation of our soul and what we do brings great benefit to other people, we bliss. That's what is called success. Success - a fullness of life.

Success - is a consistent implementation of a worthy goal. It's a goal that requires your full commitment, which is achieved with passion and has a term of 5 years or more. A worthy goal should be to give a sense of realization itself. Try to define your vision of the goal as far as you can, that you will barely see the target. A worthy goal - it is not an easy target, it must be so big that it will pull you forward herself. The real success - is not the destination, success - is the path.

Success - is the realization of their true talents that make our world a better, more perfect, and people are happier.

Success creates a new success!
Success is a game. The more you play the more you win. The more you win the more successfully you can play the game.

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